Christopher II (Denmark)

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Christopher II (born September 29, 1276 - † August 2, 1332 in Sorø ) was King of Denmark from 1320 to 1326 and from 1329 to 1332 .

Grave in Sorø, around 1360


Christoph, the second son of King Erik V and Queen Agnes of Brandenburg , was after the death of his brother Erik VI. Menved 1319 as a possible heir to the throne. The Imperial Council elected him king in 1320 against the signing of a hand-held festival that restricted his rights to the collection of taxes from the nobility . Christoph took over a country that had lost economic power due to many wars and had a high level of debt. At first he tried to continue his brother's policy of expansion, but extreme costs and the pledging of large areas of land to German princes led to the rebellion of the church and the nobility. In 1326 he was from a coalition of the insurgents with the Holstein Count Gerhard III. defeated and fled the country. In his place the nobility put Gerhard's twelve-year-old nephew Waldemar III.

Christoph lived in exile until 1329, when the support of his half-brother Johann opened up a new opportunity for him: he was reinstated as king, but this time without any powers. In addition, he ceded the few parts of the country that had not yet been pledged to Johann. In a last attempt to get more power, he was in 1331 by Gerhard III. imprisoned. His half-brother released him again and gave him some land, but he died on Lolland in 1332 .

The power of the Danish kingdom was only restored by his son Waldemar IV. Atterdag . Christoph II was buried in the choir of Sorø Abbey Church. On the sarcophagus he is shown with his wife and a child daughter in a three-dimensional full image in bronze.


He had been married to Euphemia of Pomerania since 1300. The couple had the following children;

Before his marriage, he had a mistress from the same family as the Lungs and with her two children:

  • Regitze Christofferdatter Løvenbalk ⚭ Peder Stigsen (Krognos) of Krapperup
  • Erik Christoffersen Løvenbalk († after 1598)

See also


  • Kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskab, Historical Treatises of the Royal Society of Sciences in Copenhagen, translated from Danish and partly with additions and improvements by their authors , Volume 5, p. 82 digitized
  • Thelma Jexlev: Christoph II . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 2, Artemis & Winkler, Munich / Zurich 1983, ISBN 3-7608-8902-6 , Sp. 1936 f.
predecessor Office successor
Erik VI. Menved King of Denmark
Waldemar III.
Waldemar III. King of Denmark
according to Interregnum:
Waldemar IV.