Christoph Krämer

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Christoph Krämer (born February 24, 1948 in Munich ; † February 14, 2010 in Hamburg ) was a freelance artist and typographer .


After graduating from the Beethoven High School in Bonn in 1967, Christoph Krämer completed his community service as a nurse in psychiatry, the operating theater of the eye clinic and neurosurgery at the Bonn University Clinics. 1969–70 he studied painting and sculpture at the Fine Art Department of Newcastle upon Tyne University in England. 1972–78 he studied fine art at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts, especially with Kai Sudeck , and typography with Richard von Sichowsky . In addition, Christoph Krämer studied art history at the Art History Institute of the University of Hamburg from 1976-80, especially with Klaus Herding . Since 1978 he has worked as a freelance painter and typographer in Hamburg and Cesio, Italy. He was married to Layla Dawson , whom he had met in 1967 in Bonn. They married in Bristol in 1999.

Artistic work

Since 1976 work on “On Violence - the Panagoulis Cycle”, exhibited in 1978 at the Kunstverein Brühl.

Since 1978 work on "Sex as a matter of opinion". Exhibited in the Städtische Galerie Herrenberg under the title “About the difficulty of recognizing violence” (1979), typeface “Sex as a matter of opinion” with a text by Günter Amendt (1980).

Since 1980 work on "Dancer - Pictures". Exhibited in the Studio Galerie Hamburg (1984) and in the Kunstverein Brühl (1985), under the title “The current everyday life is not particularly topical” in the Paul Pozzoza Museum Düsseldorf (1986).

Typeface "Dancer - Im Span" with a text by Sabine Rosenbladt (1984).

Participation in "Schrecken + Hoffnung", Kunsthalle Hamburg (1987), Leningrad, Moscow, Munich (1988).

1987 trip to Hong Kong and China. As a result: Work “High-flyer - Pictures”, exhibited in the Studio-Galerie Hamburg under the title “Pictures from the Intermediate Time” (1989) and in “Exchange + Eigenart” Hall K3 Hamburg (1988).

1986 acquaintance with RB Kitaj . The publication and design of his “First Manifesto of Diasporism” is followed by the exhibition “The Trace of Others” (1988), five Jewish artists from London - RB Kitaj, Frank Auerbach , Sandra Fisher , Leon Kossoff , Lucien Freud - with five artists from Hamburg - Jürgen Bordanowicz , Christoph Krämer, Florian Köhler , Jürgen Hockauf , Gustav Kluge - in dialogue, Heine-Haus Hamburg.

Since 1988 work on Auschwitz. Exhibitions “Location Auschwitz” at the Berlin Art Association Weissensee (1994), Städtische Galerie Schwerin (1995), Städtisches Museum Oldenburg (1998), Kunsthaus Hamburg (1998).

1993 “Pentiment” visiting professor for painting, University of Applied Sciences for Design, Hamburg.

1994 visiting professor for drawing, University of Applied Sciences for Design, Hamburg.

2007 foundation of the fashion label "abteilung: k" with daughter Laura Krämer (graduate fashion designer). Two exhibitions follow.

2008 Exhibition “Amazons in Fashion”, Kunsthaus Hamburg.

2010 Exhibition “Amazons in Fashion” March 18 to April 11, Museum for Applied Arts, Frankfurt am Main.

Typographic work

Since 1978 typographical and applied work a. a. for Arche Verlag, Fischer Verlag, Konkret Verlag, Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Rowohlt.

Development and design of the monograph series "Kunststück" (with Klaus Herding and Max Bartholl), Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag. Over 100 titles have appeared since 1984.

Art catalogs and posters for Kunsthaus and Deichtorhallen Hamburg and Phoenix Stiftung Harburg.

1990 Cover conception with own work for "Studio dtv", Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag.

Award "Most Beautiful Books" 1984, 1986, 1987, 1991 and 2004.

2001 Foundation of "b3k text und gestalt GbR" Hamburg / Frankfurt am Main. Works for Rowohlt, Fischer, Arche, Hoffmann & Campe and other publishers and cultural institutions. Andrea Schneider and Max Bartholl forward "b3k text und gestalt".

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