Christoph Vogel

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Christoph Vogel (* 1554 in Dorfen ; † August 1, 1608 in Regenstauf ) was a Protestant pastor and topographer .


Christoph Vogel was born in 1554 in the Upper Bavarian village of Dorfen as the son of the "Winkelpredigers" of the same name, who was expelled from the country in 1560 after being imprisoned for three months in the Falkenturm in Munich. In 1576 you can find Christoph Vogel the Elder. Ä. as "aedituus" in the parish of See. From 1575 his son, Christoph Vogel d. J., after studying in Jena in various parishes in the northern part of the district of Palatinate-Neuburg , most recently as a pastor in Regenstauf from 1587 until his death in 1608.

Christoph Vogel began his career in 1575 as a cantor in Burglengenfeld , in 1576 he was a deacon in Kallmünz , in 1581 pastor at the newly established pastor's office in Duggendorf , in 1582 pastor in Nittendorf , 1584 in Pielenhofen an der Naab and then from 1587 in Regenstauf . During the time of his Cantorat he accompanied the superintendent as amanuensis on official trips, which was certainly an advantage for his later cartographic work.

He himself says that he has five sons, three (Georg, Johann and Christoph) are named in the visitation reports, all of whom had dedicated themselves to the teaching profession.


Map sheet of the land survey - Hohenburg Office

Around the year 1600, on behalf of Count Palatine Philipp Ludwig, a cartographic record of the Principality of Palatinate-Neuburg was created . Each individual district was recorded separately in this map series. This land survey was carried out by the Regenstaufer pastor Christoph Vogel and the draftsman Matthäus Stang from Burglengenfeld .

The cards were initially only intended for official use and have therefore remained little known until recently. Today this survey of the country is counted among the most important cartographic achievements of its time. The maps, executed as detailed as they were masterfully, remained valid until the end of the 18th century.

The individual cards were supplemented by descriptions of the offices represented therein. They contain u. a. Boundary descriptions as well as an alphabetical list of the occurring places, forests and ponds with indication of the grid square of the corresponding maps.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Georg Paulus: Christoph Vogel, pastor and topographer (1554–1608). On the biography of the protagonist of the Palatinate-Neuburg regional survey . In: Negotiations of the Historical Association for Regensburg and Upper Palatinate 155 (2015), pp. 107-137
  2. Heribert Batzl: Christophorus Vogel (1554-1608). From the life and work of an Upper Palatinate cartographer . In: Heimaterzähler, local supplement for the "Schwandorfer Tagblatt" and the "Burglengenfelder Zeitung", No. 8, May 1957
  3. Otto Schottenloher (1960). The Palatinate-Neuburgian land survey under Philipp Ludwig. On the 350th anniversary of the death of the cartographer Christoph Vogel. Archival magazine , Munich: Karl Zink Verlag, p. 89.
  4. Hans Wolff (ed.): Bavaria in the picture of the map. Cartographia Bavariae . Weißenhorn 1991, p. 63.