Christoph von Loß (1548–1609)

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Weinbergkirche Pillnitz Epitaph Christoph von Loß Detail

Christoph von Loß the Elder (born February 2, 1545 in Berreuth , † April 4, 1609 in Pillnitz ) was court marshal , privy councilor and thief at the court of the Saxon elector.


Christoph von Loß comes from an old Saxon noble family, von Loß . His father was Joachim von Loß zu Berreuth, his mother Katharina von Bernstein zu Borthen .

In 1566 he married Martha von Pflugk zu Knauthain († 1588) for the first time. Her children included u. a.

His second wife was Anna von Gersdorf, and he had several children with her.


After attending the school in Zeitz , Christoph von Loß went to study law at the University of Leipzig in 1560. A career at the court in Berlin followed. In 1584 he was appointed Hofrat by Elector August and remained in this office under Elector Christian I. After his death he served as court marshal of the elector's widow, Sophia, and elector Christian II promoted him to a member of the secret council, which, as the highest state authority, was primarily responsible for imperial and foreign policy. Between 1570 and 1609 he was elected to the Further Committee of the Knighthood on seven state parliaments and one committee day. In 1585 he took up the post of Reichspfennigmeister for the Upper and Lower Saxony district, which he held for 24 years.

Church building

After he had acquired the Pillnitz manor in 1569, conflicts soon arose with the pastor of Hosterwitz. In 1579, Christoph von Loß turned to the senior consistory of the Evangelical Church in Dresden to enforce the construction of an "independent private church as a place of worship and burial". The foundation stone for the so-called Pillnitz Castle Church "Zum Heiligen Geist" was laid on May 8, 1594. A late Gothic building with a 30 meter high tower was built in 1596. Today the successor building is known as the Weinbergkirche .

References and comments

  1. Martina Schattkowsky: Between manor, residence and empire: the lifeworld of the Electoral Saxon ... p. 164 ff
  2. Martina Schattkowsky: Between manor, residence and empire: the lifeworld of the Electoral Saxon ... p. 153 f
  3. Saxon biography
  4. Dieter Fischer, State Palaces and Gardens (Ed.): The vineyard church "To the Holy Spirit" in Dresden-Pillnitz. A representation of their history up to the present restoration . Self-published, Dresden 1994, p. 4.