
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Large district town of Dippoldiswalde
Coordinates: 50 ° 53 ′ 55 ″  N , 13 ° 39 ′ 24 ″  E
Height : 350-370 m above sea level NN
Residents : 162  (2017)
Incorporation : 1st October 1973
Postal code : 01744
Area code : 03504
Berreuth (Saxony)

Location of Berreuth in Saxony

Berreuth is a district of the Saxon large district town Dippoldiswalde in the district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains .



The place is located 800 meters west of the city center of Dippoldiswalde as the crow flies. Berreuth is a small estate and is located above the Reichstädter Bach. The place is about 360 meters above sea level .

Neighboring places

Paulsdorf Malter
Ruppendorf Neighboring communities Dippoldiswalde
Reichstädt Ulberndorf


Seal mark of the municipality of Berreuth

Berreuth was first mentioned in a document in 1420 on the basis of a Mr. czu Beyerrute . The place name contains the ending -reuth , which suggests a clearing settlement. The place was a pleasure place for Dippoldiswalde.

First by the Care managed Dippoldiswalde, Berreuth has the latest from 1551 own manorial by the local manor on the Sacred Way . Berreuth is briefly mentioned as an office in 1656, before it becomes subordinate to the Dippoldiswalde office from 1590 . From 1540 Berreuth is officially parish to Dippoldiswalde.


Farmers in Berreuth

The manor was built between 1553 and 1586 as a four-sided courtyard with five buildings and the castle. The Electorate Chamber Councilor Christoph Vitzthum von Eckstädt left his allodial knightly property to the Elector Johann Georg II of Saxony for 14,000 guilders . In 1586 it was also mentioned as Vorwerk Behrreudt on Matthias Öder's map .

In 1675 there were eight threshing houses in Seiffen, an estate at the lower end of Paulsdorf and the Vorwerk. The total area was 340 hectares. In 1790 the oil and board mill on the Black Pond was built. The livestock was 800 sheep in Paulsdorf and 100 cattle in Berreuth. In 1807 the road to Paulsdorf was built. Rapeseed has been grown since 1818. In 1824 a Mr. Nikolai is mentioned who invented a seed drill. In 1856 the sheep farm burned down in Paulsdorf and was then rebuilt. In the years 1835 and 1845 a large bleaching of yarn is mentioned. In 1850 the manor merged with the manor Reichstädt and since then has had a total area of ​​1200 ha, there was a brewery and park at the castle. Some time later, the two goods separated again. In 1893 the Baron Pergler von Perglas bought the property, in 1925 it belonged to his wife, Baroness Pergler von Perglas, with an area of ​​370 hectares. In 1931 the property went to the banker Adolf Arnhold in Dresden, his stepson, Horst Julius Georg Lindenhayn, managed it until 1944, then the widow Lindenhayn. In 1945/46 the castle was set on fire and the owner was forcibly evicted. At the same time the owner ( land reform in Germany ) was expropriated and the property was made an LPG through collectivization .

Development of the population

Development of the population of Berreuth:

year Residents
1551 8 possessed men , 28 residents
1764 2 cottagers
1834 126
1845 130
1871 125
1890 141
1910 182
1925 176
1939 148
1946 235
1950 235
year Residents
1964 244
2006 170
2007 167
2008 175
2009 172
2010 171
2011 170
2012 167
2013 167
2014 159
2015 157

Place name forms

The name of the place Berreuth changed historically as follows:

  • 1420: zcu Beyer rod
  • 1457: Beyerrewt
  • 1497: Beyrewt
  • 1501: Berewte
  • 1540: Berreut
  • 1548/64: Berreuth
  • 1568: Ready
  • 1791: Beereuth, or Barreuth, Berreuth

See also

Web links

Commons : Berreuth  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Berreuth in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony

Individual evidence

  1. a b Population figures for Dippoldiswalde and districts on
  2. LHASA, MD, A 35, T XXV No. 1 Bl. 31
  3. a b Berreuth in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony