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Chrysogeneia ( Greek  Χρυσογένεια ) or Chrysogone ( Χρυσογόνη ) is in Greek mythology a daughter of Almos , a son of Sisyphus .

According to Pausanias , Chrysogeneia is the sister of Chryse and of Poseidon the mother of Chryses , the king of the booth city of Orchomenos . In a scholion for the Argonautica of Apollonios of Rhodes she is called Chrysogone and is by Poseidon the mother of Minyas , who is said to have founded Orchomenos.

Karl Otfried Müller suspected that the myth alludes either to the wealth of gold in Orchomenos or to the Rhodian myth of the goddess Athena , worshiped in Orchomenos as Athena Chryse , who is said to have been born under a golden rain.


Individual evidence

  1. Pausanias 9, 36, 1.
  2. Scholion to Apollonios of Rhodos Argonautika 3, 1097.
  3. ^ Karl Otfried Müller: Orchomenos and the Minyer . 2nd edition 1844. p. 137.