Chrysostom Henriquez

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Chrysostomus Henriquez (* 1594 in Madrid ; †  23 October 1632 in Leuven ) was a Cistercian historian . As a hagiographer , he dealt with the saints of the order.

Coming from a noble family, he entered the Huerta monastery in 1608 and studied in several places in Galicia . In 1619 his first hagiographic compendium appeared. Other works were commentaries on rules and treatises on Cistercian order law . From 1620 he stayed in the Netherlands . The University of Leuven was his place of activity until the end of his life. He was Vicar General of the Cistercians in Ireland and Grand Master of the Cistercian Order of Calatrava .

Other hagiographic works by Henriquez are: Phoenix reviviscens (Brussels 1626), Menologium Cisterciense (Anvers 1630) and Fasciculus Sanctorum Ordinis Cisterciensis (Brussels 1631).


  • Astrum Cisterciensium complectens sanctorum Cisterciensium gesta (Cologne 1649).
  • Fasciculus sanctorum ordinis Cistersiensis (Cologne 1631).
  • Guilielmus Aquitanus, Liber Apologeticus: Quo ostenditur S. Guilielmum Benedictinum Cisterciensem, non Augustinianum fuisse (1626).
  • Het leven vande eerweerdighe Moeder Anna de S. Bartholomaeo ongheschoeyde Carmelitersse (Antwerp 1632).
  • Lilia Cistercii (Duaci 1633).
  • Menologium Cisterciense. Or, briefly, the condition of life of those saints (Prague 1731).
  • Menologium Cistertiense notationibus illustratum (Antwerp 1630).
  • Phoenix reviviscens sive ordinis Cisterciensis scriptorum Angliae et Hispaniae (Brussels 1626).
  • Quinque Prudentes Virgines sive B. Beatricis de Nazareth , B. Aleydis de Scharenebecka, B. Idae de Nivellis (Antwerp 1630).
  • Regula, Constitutiones et privilegia Ordinis Cistertiensis (Antwerp 1639).
  • Vita B. Famiani Coloniensis (Cologne 1631).


  • Emile Brouette: Henriquez . In: Emile Brouette, Anselme Dimier and Eugene Manning (eds.): Dictionnaire des auteurs cisterciens . La Documentation Cistercienne, Vol. 16, Rochefort 1975-1979, 358-360.

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