Cimmerian Sibyl

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Sibylla Cimerienna , G. Carlone (1636–1713), parish churches in the Mühlkreis / Upper Austria
Prophet Daniel with the Cimmerian Sibyl , 1503, stained glass window in the cathedral of Auch , France

The Cimmerian Sibyl is one of the ten sibyls differentiated from Laktanz according to the Roman historian Varro , each of which is provided with a geographical epithet .

According to Laktanz, the Roman poet Gnaeus Naevius is said to have reported a Cimmerian Sibyl in Italy in his epic Punica . Lactant thus distinguishes her from the Sibyl of Cumae, which is also suspected in Italy .

Based on lactance, the Christian Middle Ages and the Renaissance understood the Cimmerian Sibyl as a pagan herald of an expectation of God who was almost on a par with the prophets .

In Gothic and Renaissance art , the Cimmerian Sibyl is sometimes depicted as one in a series of sibyls , based on the Varro listing , often in juxtaposition to an often equal number of prophets from the Old Testament. In the probably best-known pictorial representation of five Sibyls by Michelangelo in the fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel , however, no 'Cimmeria' is included.

In some other groups of sibyls, however, there is now and then a named 'Cimmeria', e.g. B. in the following locations:

  • Ulm , Germany, Gothic half-sculpture in the choir stalls of the Ulm Minster , as one of ten Sibyls, in the total work of art with numerous ancient scholars and prophets
  • Also , France, in the cathedral in one of the stained glass windows with sibyls and prophets made by Arnaud de Moes between 1503 and 1513
  • Trescore, Italy, series of medallions with sibyls and prophets in the Oratorio Suardi painted as a fresco by Lorenzo Lotto around 1524
  • Münster , Germany, as one of several sibyls and scholars on the panels originally created for the ambulatory of the cathedral by Ludger tom Ring the Elder around 1538 (oil on oak)

Web links

Commons : Sibyl of Cumae  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Des Lucius Caelius Firmianus Lactantius writings. Translated from Latin by Aloys Hartl. (Library of the Church Fathers, 1st row, volume 36) Munich 1919, 5th chapter.
  2. ^ C. Neumeister: The Gulf of Naples in antiquity. A literary travel guide. Beck 2005, pp. 146-149.
  3. J. Droste-Hennings; T. Droste: DuMont Art Guide France The Southwest. The landscapes between the Massif Central, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pyrenees (DuMont Art Travel Guide), DuMont Reiseverlag 2007, pp. 284–285.