Citrus exocortis viroid

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Citrus exocortis viroid
Classification : Viroids
Family : Pospiviroidae
Genre : Pospiviroid
Type : Citrus exocortis viroid
Taxonomic characteristics
Genome : ssRNA circular
Symmetry : no capsid
Cover : no shell
Scientific name
Citrus exocortis viroid
Short name

The Citrus Exocortis Viroid ( CEVd ) is a viroid and in its line as CEVd-cit the subviral pathogen of a disease of citrus plants called Citrus Exocortis ( Citrus spp.). In affected plants, growth disorders and yield losses can occur. The disease is sometimes referred to as "scalybutt". and occurs in all citrus fruit regions of the world.


The term "Exocortis" was introduced by Fawcett and Klotz in 1948 to describe a bark flaking disease of the three-leaved bitter orange ( Poncirus trifoliata ) (Exo = outside area, Cortis = bark).

Clinical picture

Infestation with CEVd manifested by peeling the bark, especially in the trifoliate bitter orange Poncirus trifoliata or P. trifoliata - hybrids , and can lead to significant yield losses without compromising the quality of the fruit itself. Other symptoms are leaf epinasty , dwarfism (English "stunting") and necrosis of the leaf midrib .

In contrast, CEVd of the CEVd-tom line ( Indian tomato bunchy top viroid ) infects tomato plants. The resulting Exocortis disease is sometimes referred to as "tomato bunchy top disease".

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Sandra Hardy, Nerida Donovan, Patricia (Broadbent) Barkley: Citrus exocortis . NSW Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales , Australia. Retrieved December 4, 2018.
  2. ^ DK Ghosh: Viral Diseases of Citrus and Budwood Certification Program. In: S. Singh, SAMH Naqvi (Ed.): Citrus. 2001, pp. 407-418.
  3. ^ HS Fawcett, LJ Klotz: Exocortis of trifoliate orange . Citrus Leaves 28: 8-9 (1948).
  4. SAMH Naqvi, (author and ed.): Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables: Diagnosis and Management , Volume 2, Springer Science & Business Media 2004, 708 pages, ISBN 978-1-4020-2606-5 , pp. 158-160 .
  5. Mishra MD, Hammond RW, Owens RA, Smith DR, Diener TO: Indian bunchy top disease of tomato plants is caused by a distinct strain of citrus exocortis viroid . In: Journal of General Virology . 72, No. 8, August 1991, pp. 1781-5. doi : 10.1099 / 0022-1317-72-8-1781 . PMID 1875190 .
