Clement Loret

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Clément Loret (born October 10, 1833 in Dendermonde , Belgium , † February 14, 1909 in Colombes , Hauts-de-Seine , France ) was a Belgian organist , composer and music teacher .


Clément Loret received music lessons from Jules Denefve in Mons until 1851 , where his parents had moved in 1846. From 1851 he then studied composition with François-Joseph Fétis and organ with Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens at the Brussels Conservatory . In 1853 he made his final diploma (premier prix) in the subject organ. In 1855 he came to Paris , where he initially held various positions as a church musician. In 1858 he became a professor of organ at the École Niedermeyer . His students included here u. a. Henri Letocart , Eugène Gigout and Gabriel Fauré . At the same time he was appointed organist at the Paris church Saint-Louis d'Antin , where Niedermeyer was Kapellmeister.


Loret composed a number of organ works, including sonatas and etudes. Although he was overshadowed by his famous colleagues César Franck , Alexandre Guilmant and Charles Marie Widor , he can be counted among the most important French organists of his time.


  • Orpha C. Ochse: Organists and Organ Playing in Nineteenth-Century France and Belgium . Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2000, ISBN 978-0-253-21423-2 , pp. 51 f. ( limited preview in Google Book search).

Web links


  1. Occasionally there are different dates - as date of birth also October 12, 1833 (SVM), as date of death also February 28, 1909 (BNF).

Individual evidence

  1. Gilles Cantagrel (ed.): Guide de la musique d'orgue . Fayard, Paris 2012, ISBN 978-2-213-67139-0 (French, 1062 pp., Limited preview in Google book search [accessed January 20, 2020]).