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German title Claustrofobia
Original title Claustrofobia
Country of production Netherlands
original language Dutch
Publishing year 2011
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Bobby Boermans
script Robert Arthur Jansen
production Jordan Stone
music Herman Witkam
camera Ezra Reverda
cut Robin de Jong

Claustrofobia is a Dutch horror film from 2011. It was first released in 2016 on DVD.


Two young children, a boy and a girl, are playing in an abandoned hospital. As a test of courage, the girl challenges the boy to climb into a morgue for ten seconds. As a reward, he can kiss her. The boy does this, but the girl locks the morgue and leaves the premises. The little boy stays behind screaming for help.

Many years later, the young Eva studies veterinary medicine in the Netherlands with her best friend, Cynthia. Eva has already dropped out of college twice and is afraid of having to do it again because she doesn't have the heart to kill an animal. During an experiment in which she is supposed to euthanize a rat, she secretly takes her test animal with her and names it after her ex-boyfriend Dino. On the same day she has an apartment tour and meets the rude, perverted landlord Jaap, who watches her every day after moving in through the peephole.

Eva meets Alex, a neighbor of her own age who lives in an apartment below her. She and Cynthia later meet him when they are partying in a disco. Alex invites them over and offers them wine. Among other things, he says that he is a doctor by profession . After Eva gets nauseous, she leaves the apartment and leaves the drunken Cynthia with Alex.

When Eva wakes up, she suddenly finds herself chained and handcuffed to her right wrist in a basement. A man wearing a gas mask as disguise brings her breakfast, but doesn't answer her questions about where she is. From then on Eva tried to escape several times. When she manages to overpower the mysterious man and take off his mask, it turns out that it is Alex.

Alex is the boy from back then who was trapped in the morgue for three days before he could be freed. Since then he has suffered from severe schizophrenia and claustrophobia . The little girl from back then called Lisa keeps Alex prisoner in his apartment and always calls her his "steadfast friend". Alex injects Lisa with medication every day so that she is completely paralyzed and can only move her eyelids. That should be the revenge for the trauma he suffered from before. However, the drug damages Lisa's kidney, so he operates Eva's out and uses her as his own guinea pig.

Eva finds Cynthia's body, which apparently tried to break into the cellar before she died. A detective also joins in, who is close to the case and also accuses Alex of being the perpetrator, but who is strangled by him in time and shipped to the cellar.

Eva finally manages to escape from the basement, locks Alex up in it and tries to gass him before he shoots himself in the head with a pistol. Eva tells the captured Lisa that it is all over now and leaves the apartment.


In the lexicon of international film , Claustrofobia is referred to as a “tormenting thriller” that contributes to “the wave of torture films that does not want to die down”. “After all,” the screenwriter did not only think about torture methods, but also “a certain substance of the plot”.

The editorial team of Cinema gives Claustrofobia a horizontal thumb and judges that it is a "bumpy, banal B-shocker", but that "at least comes up with some surprises".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Claustrofobia, accessed on May 8, 2016.
  2. Claustrofobia, accessed on May 8, 2016.