Clint Murchison

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Clinton Williams Murchison, Jr. (born September 12, 1923 in Dallas , Texas , † March 30, 1987 , ibid) was the founder and first owner of the US NFL team Dallas Cowboys .


Clinton Williams Murchison, Jr. was born on September 12, 1923 in Dallas, Texas to Clinton Williams Murchison and Anne Morris. When the Cowboys started, Murchison was 36 years old. He owed his fortune to his family's fortune in the Texan oil business . Murchison received a lot of criticism for his extremely conservative anti-communist stance.

In the wake of the plummeting oil price, he sold the Dallas Cowboys in 1984 to HR Bright , a banker from Dallas.

Clint Murchison died of severe pneumonia on March 30, 1987 at the age of 63 .

Individual evidence

  1. (English)
  2. Peter H. Frank: CW Murchison Jr. dies in Texas at 63 . In: New York Times , April 1, 1987. Retrieved May 12, 2016. 

Web links

Dallas Cowboys