Cohors I Claudia Sugambrorum Veterana

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The Cohors I Claudia Sugambrorum Veterana [equitata] ( German  1st cohort, the Claudian of the Sugambrers, the veterans [partly mounted] ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is evidenced by military diplomas , inscriptions and brick stamps. In the military diplomas from 75 to 120 and on brick, it is referred to as Cohors I Sugambrorum Veterana .

Name components

  • Claudia : the Claudian. The addition occurs in the military diplomas from 134 to 155.
  • Sugambrorum : the Sugambrer . When the unit was established, the soldiers of the cohort were recruited from the Germanic Sugambrer tribe in the Roman province of Germania .
  • Veterana : the veteran. According to John Spaul , the designation indicates that the unit's commander was the highest-ranking commander among the auxiliary infantry units stationed in the province.
  • equitata : partially mounted. The unit was a mixed association of infantry and cavalry. The addition appears in the inscription ( AE 1927, 95 ).

Since there is no evidence of the addition of milliaria (1000 men) to the name , the unit was a Cohors (quingenaria) equitata . The nominal strength of the cohort was 600 men (480 infantry and 120 horsemen), consisting of 6 centuries of infantry with 80 men each and 4 tower cavalry with 30 horsemen each.


The cohort was stationed in the provinces of Moesia and Moesia Inferior . It is listed on military diplomas for the years AD 75-157.

The first evidence of unity in the province of Moesia is based on a diploma dated 75. In the diploma, the cohort is listed as part of the troops (see Roman Armed Forces in Moesia ) that were stationed in the province. Further diplomas, dated from 92 to 157, attest to the unity in Moesia Inferior .

Under Hadrian, the cohort (or a vexillation of this unit) was temporarily moved from Moesia inferior to the province of Asia .


Cohort locations in Asia may have been:

Locations of the cohort in Moesia were:

Members of the cohort

The following members of the cohort are known.


  • [] [Vale] rianus, a prefect ( CIL 6, 1543 )
  • M (arcus) Acilius Alexander: he is named on the diploma of 134 as the commander of the cohort.


  • L (ucius) Sextilius Pudens, a foot soldier: the diploma of 134 was issued to him.

Further cohorts with the designation Cohors I Claudia Sugambrorum

There was another cohort, the Cohors I Claudia Sugambrorum Tironum . She is documented by military diplomas from 69/79 to 156/157 and was stationed in the provinces of Moesia , Moesia Inferior and Syria .

See also


  1. a b c Both John Spaul and Peter Weiß assign the diploma of 134 to the Cohors I Claudia Sugambrorum Veterana . Ovidiu Țentea, Florian Matei-Popescu , on the other hand, consider it possible that the Cohors I Claudia Sugambrorum , which is listed in the diploma of 134, is the Cohors I Claudia Sugambrorum Tironum , since the addition Veterana is missing in this diploma , which is indicated in all other diplomas.
  2. Marcus Iulius Pisonianus transferred the cohort from its location in Montana in the province of Moesia inferior to the province of Asia .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d e John Spaul: Cohors² The evidence for and a short history of the auxiliary infantry units of the Imperial Roman Army , British Archaeological Reports 2000, BAR International Series (Book 841), ISBN 978-1-84171-046- 4 , pp. 234, 245-246
  2. ^ Jörg Scheuerbrandt : Exercitus. Tasks, organization and command structure of Roman armies during the imperial era. Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau 2003/2004, p. 166 table 9 ( PDF, p. 168 ).
  3. Military diplomas of the years 75 ( RMD 1, 2 ), 92 ( ZPE-148-269 ), 97 ( RMD 3, 140 ), 99 ( CIL 16, 44 ), 105 ( RMM 10 ), 107 ( Chiron-2009-514 ), 111 ( RMD 4, 222 ), 120 ( Chiron-2009-533 , ZPE-207-219 ), 134 ( Chiron-2008-300 , CIL 16, 78 ), 145 ( RMD 3, 165 ), 146 ( AE 2007, 1233 , RMD 4, 270 ), 147 ( Chiron-2008-307 ), 147/160 ( ZPE-190-305 ), 155 ( RMD 5, 414 ) and 157 ( RMD 1, 50 ).
  4. Peter Weiß : A diploma from Antoninus Pius for Moesia Inferior from Dec. 145 / Dec. 146 In: Journal of Papyrology and Epigraphy . Volume 124 (199), pp. 279-286, here pp. 282-283, 285 ( PDF ).
  5. Michael P. Speidel : Regionarii in Lower Moesia In: Journal of Papyrology and epigraphy. Volume 57 (1984), pp. 185-188, here p. 185.
  6. ^ Ovidiu Țentea, Florian Matei-Popescu: Alae et Cohortes Daciae et Moesiae. A review and update of J. Spaul's Ala and Cohors In: Acta Musei Napocensis 39-40 / I Cluj-Napoca, 2002-2003 (2004), pp. 259-296, here p. 293 ( online ).