Communauté de communes du Libournais

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Communauté de communes du Libournais
Gironde ( Aquitaine - France )
Establishment date December 24, 2001
Dissolution date January 1, 2011
Seat Libourne
Communities 6th
president Gilbert Mitterrand
surface 67.67 km²
Residents 26,284 (1999)
Population density 388 inhabitants / km²

The Communauté de communes du Libournais is a former French association of communes ( Communauté de communes ) in the Gironde department and the then Aquitaine region . It was founded on December 24, 2001.


In 2011, the community association merged with the Communauté de communes du Canton de Guîtres and the Communauté de communes du Pays de Coutras to form the Communauté de communes du Nord Libournais , which finally became the Communauté d'agglomération du Libournais in 2012 (before 2017) .
