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The Condrus ( Condrusi ) were an ancient people who belonged to the group of Celtic-Germanic mixed cultures in the Cisrhenan (left bank of the Rhine) Middle Rhine area. Apart from Caesar's mention in De bello Gallico , only the administrative unit pagus condrustis of the Augustan administrative order is known from ancient inscriptions .


The landscape name Condroz , a landscape in the Belgian provinces of Namur and Liège, derives from Caesar's tribal name Condrusi . On the other hand, there is the assumption that Mont Falhize, near the Belgian Huy in the middle of the Condroz, was a central place of the presumably Germanic Aduatuk people . The area was from the Aduatukern to Caesar sometime between about 100 BC. BC and 60 BC BC "after a general council decision" was selected as a settlement area. Possibly the Condruser took over the land of the Aduatuker after their participation in the suppressed uprising of Ambiorix in late 54 / early 53 BC Chr.


The Condruser are mentioned for the first time in connection with the war of Caesar against the Belgians in 57 BC. They form a contingent of 40,000 men in the Belgian contingent of around 280,000 people, together with the Eburones, Caerosers and the Paemaners . Caesar calls the four tribes Germanic . In 56 BC In BC Caesar called the Condruser together with the Eburones as clients, trunks under protection, who were obliged to follow, tribute, hostage and military service, the Treveri.

After De bello Gallico 6, 32 the tribal area of ​​the Condruser is - similar to that of the Segner - between the Eburonen and Treverern . The text passage is also interesting insofar as the Condrusers themselves have their say. Caesar describes that their envoys distanced themselves from the previous campaign of the Eburonian king Ambiorix. None of the Germanic tribes on the left bank of the Rhine had made common cause with the Eburones. Caesar had prisoners questioned who confirmed this information, and ordered the Condrusers to extradite any Eburon prisoners in the future; then he will not devastate their territory in the future.

Caesar mentions nothing more about the Condrusians; Presumably the tribe remained in its settlement areas and mixed with the remains of the Aduatuk and the Eburones as well as with the after 50 BC. The Tungerer Germanic tribe on the right bank of the Rhine moved into the area .



  1. CIL 7, 1073 ; doubtful CIL 7, 1234 .
  2. RGA 2nd ed., Vol. 4, 315.
  3. De bello Gallico 2, 29: consensu eorum omnium pace facta hunc sibi domicilio locum delegerant
  4. De bello Gallico 2, 4.
  5. De bello Gallico 4, 6.
  6. Galsterer, p. 32.