Constantin von Boehn

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Constantin von Boehn (born September 15, 1856 in Sagerke ( Pomerania ); † 1931 ) was a German manor owner and royal Prussian chamberlain .


As the son of the captain a. D. and manor owner Alexander von Boehn (1813–1889) and his wife Anna, b. von Blumenthal , he came from the ancient Pomeranian family of von Boehn . His brother was Siegfried von Boehn , who later became a member of the Reichstag . After attending grammar school in Stolp , he studied law and camera science at the University of Leipzig . In October 1874 he joined the Afrania country team . In 1876 he continued his studies in Berlin . He worked as a trainee lawyer in Hanover , Einbeck and Belgard . In 1878/80 he served as a one-year volunteer in Dragoon Regiment No. 11 in Belgard. Afterwards he studied agriculture in Halle in the winter semester of 1880/81 . In July 1881 he became a landowner on Kuslow , where he built a distillery for industrial spirits and modernized the manor house. Later he became a royal Prussian chamberlain.

In 1885 he married Irma von Michaelis . Her son Georg (1886–1946) later took over the estate.


  • Karl-Heinz Pagel : The district of Stolp in Pomerania . Lübeck 1989, p. 670 ( Online; PDF )
  • Walter Schmidt: Afraner AH album. 1839-1909 . Jachner & Fischer, Leipzig 1909, p. 129.