Conus acutangulus

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Conus acutangulus
Housing of Conus acutangulus

Housing of Conus acutangulus

Partial order : New snails (Neogastropoda)
Superfamily : Conoidea
Family : Cone snails (Conidae)
Genre : Conus
Subgenus : Turriconus
Type : Conus acutangulus
Scientific name
Conus acutangulus
Lamarck , 1810

Conus acutangulus is the species name of a screw from the family of the cone snails (genus Conus ), which in Indopazifik is used and from Vielborstern fed.


Conus acutangulus carries a small to medium-sized, light to moderately firm snail shell that reaches 2.2 to 3.8 cm in length in adult snails. The circumference of the body is conical to broadly conical or slightly pear-shaped, the outline almost straight or slightly S-shaped. The shoulder is angled to sharp-edged, smooth or covered with tubercles and has a deep, sweeping notch. The thread is usually high, its contour alternately concave. The Protoconch has three and a half to four whorls and measures a maximum of 0.8 to 0.9 mm. The first 8 to 10 whorls of the Teleoconch are covered with tubercles, the following ones wavy to smooth. The seam ramps of the Teleoconch are flat to slightly concave with initially none, then to 3 to 6 increasing spiral grooves, which are crossed by arcuate radial threads. The circumference of the body is covered with strong spiral cords or ribs, which are separated from one another by narrow, sometimes wide grooves with strong axial threads.

The basic color of the housing is white. The area around the body is patterned in various ways, from light to dark brown: either mostly brown with the exception of sparse small spots in the basic color near the shoulder and in the middle, white with brown spots or spiraling dotted rows, or completely white. The whorls of the Protoconch are white. The thread has various brown stripes. The case mouth is white.

The thin, translucent, smooth periostracum is brown.

The top of the foot is white or pale yellow with a brown, dotted, wing-shaped pattern in the front section that continues backwards as a dotted line in front of the edge. The leading edge has a black spot on each side of a large brown central spot. The sole of the foot is white. The white antennae are colored a bit dark yellow and have black tips. The white sipho is dorsally beige to light brown in color, but unspotted at the tip.

distribution and habitat

Conus acutangulus is distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific from the Red Sea to Queensland ( Australia ). It usually lives at depths of 3 to 100 m, sometimes as little as 50 cm, young animals sometimes down to a depth of 180 m, on lime sand from corals or mollusc shells, mixed with coral rubble, on muddy sand or fine mussel shells with vegetation.


Conus acutangulus eats fire bristle worms , which can be significantly larger than the predatory snail.


  • George Washington Tryon: Manual of Conchology, structural and systematic, with illustrations of the species , vol. VI; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 1884. C [onus] acutangulus Hwass., P. 76.
  • Jerry G. Walls: Cone Shells: A Synopsis of the Living Conidae. TFH Publications, Neptune (New Jersey) 1979. p. 54.
  • Dieter Röckel, Werner Korn, Alan J. Kohn: Manual of the Living Conidae Vol. 1: Indo-Pacific Region . Verlag Christa Hemmen, Wiesbaden 1995. The texts on the individual cone snail species of the Indo-Pacific are published on The Conus Biodiversity website with the permission of the authors (see web links).

Web links

Commons : Conus acutangulus  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Cone shell - Conus acutangulus. A rare sight was this small 15mm cone shell, Conus acutangulus, feeding on a large bristle worm. All cone shells are predatory and venomous but it was still surprising to observe such a small shell successfully take on such a large price. Kwajalein Underwater, October 16, 2017.