Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals

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Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA) is the state, public broadcasting company of Catalonia . Founded in 1983, the company is based in Barcelona and is part of the institutions of the Generalitat de Catalunya . The CCMA forms the umbrella for the radio company Catalunya Ràdio with four programs, Catalunya Ràdio SRG and the television company Televisió de Catalunya with five programs, as well as the online service CCRTV Interactiva , SA

The flagship of the CCMA is the radio program Catalunya Ràdio  and the television channel TV3 .


Under the Franco dictatorship there were no programs in Catalan . It was not until 1976, a few months after the dictator's death, that the state  RNE introduced  the Ràdio 4 program  in Catalan. Ràdio 4 still   broadcasts for Catalonia, but not in Valencia and the Balearic Islands , where Catalan is also spoken.

Catalunya Ràdio  and the television channel TV3 started operations in 1983, four years after the restoration of Catalan self-government and the adoption of the 1979 Statute of Autonomy.


CCMA is a member of the Federación de Organismos de Radio y Televisión Autonómicos , FORTA, the association of the public broadcasting companies of the 11  autonomous communities in Spain .


The CCMA is funded by the Catalan government. In 2019 she received 230 million euros, plus 11 million special grants were necessary to balance the budget.

Criticism and role in the Catalonia crisis in 2017

From 2015, the broadcaster came under increasing criticism under the Carles Puigdemont government for being the sole mouthpiece for independence advocates. In the run-up to the controversial independence referendum of October 2017 and the subsequent Catalonia crisis ,  the demonstrations of the independence movement and speeches by the regional government were broadcast prominently on  TV3  and on the 3/24 news  channel. Likewise, the speeches of King Felipe VI. and Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy ( Partido Popular ) transferred. There were also live broadcasts of the actions of the opponents of the secession of Catalonia. Critics complained, however, that the establishment was not fulfilling its public service mandate after a balanced reporting. The French daily Le Monde wrote:

«Voilà des mois que la télévision publique catalane, TV3, matraque une propagande indépendantiste simpliste et mensongère. Et des mois qu'elle a recours à une rhetorique de victimisation qui veut faire croire, de façon grotesque, que la Catalogne est victime d'un retour de la dictature franquiste. Ce n'est pas le cas. »

“For months, the public broadcaster TV3 has been spreading simplistic and mendacious propaganda; For months he has been using a rhetoric of harassment that grotesquely tries to make people believe that Catalonia is the victim of a return to the Franco dictatorship - this is by no means the case "

After the administration imposed by the Spanish government , consideration was given to appointing a new director for the CCMA , which was rejected by the employees. On its website, the CCMA published a communique in which it is made clear that the broadcasters of the Catalan Broadcasting Corporation stand “firmly on their mission to the citizens of Catalonia, in accordance with the mandate given by the Catalan Parliament to offer a public service of the highest quality feels committed to ethical, democratic and pluralistic principles ”. The government in Madrid announced that it wanted to ensure "truthful, respectful and pluralistic" reporting.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c André Scheer: Muzzle for TV3 . In: young world . October 26, 2017 ( [accessed October 30, 2017]).
  2. EL PERIÓDICO / Barcelona: La Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals y la FORTA lamentan el cierre de RTVV . In: elperiodico . November 29, 2013 ( [accessed October 30, 2017]).
  3. Article "TV3, el espejo borroso de Catalunya", by IGNACIO OROVIO, SANTIAGO TARÍN, JAUME V. AROCA La Vanguardia, 26/07/2020 -catalan-audiencia-plantilla.html
  4. Opinion column in Le Monde: En Catalogne, la politique du pire , 23 October 2017
  5. a b Tom Sprenger: Catalunya Radio staff defend themselves against Article 155 . In: radioWOCHE - Current radio news, FM news, digital radio news and radio jobs . October 22, 2017 ( [accessed October 30, 2017]).
  6. accessed October 31, 2017