Correios de Moçambique

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Seat of Correios de Moçambique in the main post office building in Maputo

Empresa Nacional dos Correios de Moçambique, EP , or Correios de Moçambique, EP for short , is the Mozambican state postal company .


After Mozambique gained independence, the colonial (Portuguese) Post CTT continued until 1981. Only then did the Mozambican government set up its own Mozambican post office, at the same time as the Mozambican Telecomunicações de Moçambique (TDM). The new post office took over all the facilities of the previous Portuguese post office CTT and also moved into the premises of the main post office building in the center of Maputo.

In 1992 the company was transformed into a public company ( Empresa Pública , EP). Valdemar Sérgio Jessen has headed the company as Chairman of the Board of Directors ( Presidente do Conselho de Administração ) since 2015 .

Due to difficult economic conditions and a high level of debt, Chairman of the Board of Directors Jessen announced in April 2019 that the number of employees should be reduced from 620 to 326 nationwide - overall, a good 73 percent of company spending would amount to personnel costs. In addition, the company is considering selling five branch buildings and selling half of the company's shares.

Services and infrastructure

Correios de Moçambique is represented in all provinces of Mozambique , in most of the districts there is a branch of the company in the respective district capital.

The company offers the usual postal services (sending standard letters, faxes, telegrams, parcels). Standard mail was never very important in Mozambique and is also losing ground.

At the direction of the Mozambican government, the company has reoriented itself in recent years and opened up other market sectors. Sun founded Correios de Moçambique a Postbank to use to take advantage of well-developed infrastructure and branch out to more people in Mozambique to give a stake in financial services. Among other things, Postbank grants microloans.

In 2014, the Post founded the subsidiary PostBus and was thus able to offer additional and better transport connections and goods transport in Mozambique. Between October 2014 and March 2015, the Postbuses carried 14,000 passengers.

Web links

Commons : Post of Mozambique  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b DOS CTT AOS CORREIOS DE MOÇAMBIQUE. In: Jornal Domingo. January 19, 2014, accessed September 12, 2015 (Portuguese).
  2. PM empossa dois novos PCAs. In: Folha de Maputo. August 27, 2015. Retrieved September 12, 2015 (Portuguese).
  3. Mozambique's national postal company wants to sell assets to be able to compete with private companies. In: Macauhub. April 9, 2019, accessed April 14, 2019 .
  4. a b Horácio João: Correios procuram livrar-se da crise. In: Jornal Notícias. March 20, 2015, accessed September 12, 2015 (Portuguese).
  5. Correios de Moçambique cria instituição Bancária. In: A Verdade. April 1, 2013, accessed September 12, 2015 (Portuguese).
  6. Correios de Moçambique exploram novas áreas / Notícias / Imprensa / Início - Portal do Governo de Moçambique. Portal do Governo, September 29, 2014, accessed September 12, 2015 (Portuguese).
  7. ^ Correios de Moçambique: PostBus já transportou mais de 14 mil passageiros. In: Jornal Notícias. March 2, 2015, accessed September 12, 2015 (Portuguese).