Corsia purpurata

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Corsia purpurata
Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Lily-like (Liliales)
Family : Corsiaceae
Genre : Corsia
Type : Corsia purpurata
Scientific name
Corsia purpurata

Corsia purpurata is a loose leaf green plant type from the family of Corsiaceae . The species is only known from New Guinea and New Ireland, two varieties have been described.


Like all species of the genus also has Corsia purpurata the photosynthesis abandoned and therefore forms no chlorophyll more. Instead, it lives myco-heterotrophically on a mycorrhizal fungus that lives in symbiosis with another plant.

Corsia purpurata is a perennial plant that only grows above ground during flowering. From the rhizome sprout up to 15 centimeters long, cylindrical and red-tinged stems . The 12 to 15 millimeter long leaves are reduced to five-veined scaly leaves .

The upright individual flowers are terminal and stand on flower stalks that are hairless and 20 to 30 millimeters long. Of the six petals (three tepals each in two petal circles ) five are lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate. The inner petals are occasionally a little smaller than the outer, 5 to 6 millimeters long and around 2 millimeters wide, one-nerved and hairless. The top sixth, the so-called labellum , is purple, rhombic-circular to elliptical-circular, blunt at the extreme end and, at 10 to 13 millimeters in length and 9 to 10 millimeters in width, greatly enlarged compared to the other petals. It initially surrounds the flower bud and, after opening, covers the other flower organs protectively. At the wedge-shaped projection which is connected via a Labellum outside through plated with a rib web of callus tissue on gynostemium grown ( "pinned"), there is a central rib traversed and on each side of four or five, multibranched parallel nerves.

The gynostemium is 0.5 millimeters long, the free portion of the stamens is 1 millimeter long, the anthers are 0.8 to 1.2 millimeters long. The stylus measures around 25 millimeters, the ovary around 9 millimeters. The fruit is a capsule and is 2.5 to 3 inches long.

Distribution area

Corsia purpurata has only been collected twice; the holotype comes from western New Guinea on the Bele River at an altitude of 2300 meters. Another find comes from New Ireland in the Hans Meyer Mountains at an altitude of 750 meters, in leaf humus. The two sites are the respective loci classici of the two known varieties.


Corsia purpurata was first described by Louis Otho Williams in 1946 and belongs to the Unguiculatis section of the genus. In 1998 Wayne N. Takeuchi and John J. Pipoly III first described the variety wiakabui , the name honors the Papuan botanist Joseph Wiakabu .

  • Corsia purpurata var. Purpurata : West New Guinea
  • Corsia purpurata var. Wiakabui W.N. Takeuchi & Pipoly : Bismarck Archipelago ( New Ireland ), labellum fan-shaped, tapering at the extreme end and as truncated at the base of the leaf. It was also elevated to the rank of a species in 2008: Corsia wiakabui (WNTakeuchi & Pipoly) DLJones & B.Gray

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e P. Van Royen: Sertulum Papuanum 17. Corsiaceae of New Guinea and surrounding areas in: Webbia 27: 237-238, 1972.
  2. ^ A b c W. Takeuchi, John J. Pipoly III: New flowering plants from southern New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. In: Sida, 18 (1), pp. 164-167, 1998
  3. Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Corsia - World Checklist of Selected Plant Families of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Last accessed on June 26, 2018.