Cortiçô de Algodres

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Floor plan of a "wide-chamber" Anta

The megalithic complex Cortiçô de Algodres , (also called Casa da Orca de Cortiçô - ( German  "House of the Orca" (witch) of Cortiçô) or just Anta or Orca de Cortiçô ) is about 600 m west of the small street that of Fornos de Algodres leads north via Algodres to Maceira, in the Região Centro in Portugal .

Anta is the Portuguese name for around 5000 megalithic structures or dolmens that were built during the Neolithic in the west of the Iberian Peninsula by the successors of the cardial or imprint culture . The Anta lies in a characteristic way on a hill from which one has a wide panoramic view. It was restored in 1988/89.

It is an Anta with a wide chamber. It consists of nine bearing stones, a short corridor and the capstone that is still on top. The front stone (at the end of the chamber) and the two adjacent pillar-like bearing stones are made of fine-grain granite , while most of the other bearing stones and the capstone are made of coarse granite with feldspar crystals. Some bearing stones show heavily weathered remains of wall paintings.

The scant finds, a stone ax and three arrowheads , typologically dated to the Copper Age , are in the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia in Lisbon .

The Anta Orca da Matança is about a kilometer to the west . Nearby is the Forcadas necropolis .


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Coordinates: 40 ° 40 ′ 14.8 "  N , 7 ° 30 ′ 19.4"  W.