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Cursillos de Cristiandad is a movement of Spanish origin within the Roman Catholic Church .


It was created in Mallorca on the occasion of the spiritual preparation of a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Apostle James , organized by the young people of the Catholic Action during the Holy Year of Santiago de Compostela in 1948. The first Cursillo de Cristiandad took place from January 7th to 10th, 1949 in the Santuari de Sant Honorat monastery on Mount Randa (Mallorca).

Cursillo as a course of evangelization

Cursillo means small course in Spanish (Cursillo de Cristiandad = small course of Christianity). This course of faith lasts three days. It usually includes up to 20 participants who are of different ages, occupations and levels of education. It is led by a volunteer team of lay people and priests. They introduce the "experience of the essential" in keynote speeches and through their testimony of life and faith. Small round tables deepen what has been heard in open discussions with the personal experience of the participants. The cursillo includes the Eucharist and prayer, singing together as well as times of silence.


In the group of initiators of the Cursillos, Eduardo Bonnín Aguiló (1917–2008) should be mentioned, as well as some pastors, including the then Bishop of Mallorca, HE Mons. Juan Hervás y Benet ( 1905 - 1982 ), who accompanied the growth of the movement with "fatherly care", and HH Mons. Sebastián Gayá Riera (1913-2007).

Episcopal and papal recognition

A number of diocesan bishops are considered to be closely associated with the Cursillos movement. This also applies to several popes, including Paul VI. who proclaimed the apostle Paul in the Apostolic Letter Viget Salubriter of December 14, 1963 as patron of the movement. Also , John Paul II tried the movement's concern to motivate by the anniversary year 2000 on the occasion of the third World Ultreya addressed the Cursillo Movement to the participants the following words: Beloved brothers and sisters, be courageous witnesses of the diakonia of truth and works tirelessly in the power of unity (communio) . Drawing on the rich treasure trove of your spiritual experiences, fearlessly accept and find an answer to the challenges posed by our time of the new evangelization (Address of July 29, 2000).


National (Germany)

There is a Cursillo Secretariat in every diocese . Volunteer women and men offer themselves as a contact point for the Cursillo activities. Another important part of the structure are the staff teams in the dioceses. They are the bearers and responsible for the Cursillo movement of a diocese, also towards the local bishop, and represent the Cursillo in public. At the federal level, the Cursillo Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschland (CAD) represents the Cursillo movement. It is represented by the heads of the National Secretariat and by its spokeswoman Birgit Geier, Diocese of Passau (since 2019). The CAD has no authority whatsoever - the Cursillo movement in each diocese works completely autonomously - but is an important subsidiary service in the full sense of the word. The CAD represents the Cursillo movement at the level of the episcopal conference of all supra-diocesan institutions and events, such as B. at Catholic days .

National (Austria)

The cursillo was introduced in Austria by the Spanish Claretian Father Josef García-Cascales , who offered the first German-speaking cursillo at Pentecost 1960 in the Archdiocese of Vienna. Since then, around 100,000 people in Austria have attended a Cursillo.

The Cursillo movement in Austria is organized in the same way as described for Germany. The national coordination and management organ is the ADC (= A rbeitsgemeinschaft the D iözesansekretariate the C Ursillo movement). Beatrix Staud, Hall / Tyrol, has been elected as the spokesperson for the ADC management team until 2021. Father Maximillian Bergmayr, Prior of the Benedictine Abbey Kremsmünster, is "on the road" with Cursillo Austria as a spiritual guide.


At the continental level, four working groups have been formed over the last 20 years, which also see themselves as pure coordination and service offices:

  • GECC Grupo Europeo Cursillo de Cristiandad (European Working Group) currently (2014-2017) based in Spain.
  • NA / CG North America / Caribic Group (North America / Caribbean working group) based in St. Lucia.
  • GLCC Grupo Latinoamericano de Cursillos de Cristiandad (Latin American Working Group) currently based in Venezuela.
  • A / PG Asia Pacific Group currently based in Korea.
  • OMCC Organismo Mundial Cursillo de Cristiandad (World Organization of the Cursillo Movement). The seat changes to a different continental group every four years. This continental group selects the National Secretariat from among its ranks, in which the seat of the OMCC is to be, currently (2014-2017) it is Portugal.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. coordination team. In: Cursillo Germany. Retrieved on July 17, 2020 (German).