Curt silence

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Curt Stille or Kurt Stille (* 1873 in Hanover ; † September 7, 1957 in Berlin-Köpenick ) was the initiator of the steel wire dictation machines Dailygraph and Textophon as well as the spiritual father of the Blattnerphones, the Lorenz Stahlton tape machine and the Marconi / BBC steel tape machine MSR 3


Stille studied physics and chemistry. At the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900, a demonstration of the speaking wire by Valdemar Poulsen inspired him to do his life's work, magnetic sound recording. In 1909 he developed a record scanner, in 1912 a relay for amplifying audio-frequency signals, in the First World War a directional telephone system, listening devices and a sound measurement method with magnetic storage. In 1917, the technology enthusiast Ludwig Stollwerck set up a test laboratory for him in the Sielaff machine factory (which built machines for Stollwerck) in Berlin. There Stille worked on a mechanical relay, a wave switch and the development of what was then known as remote picture telegraphy. The Telegrafie Gesellschaft System Stille mbH and the Society for electrical image transmission System Stille mbH were founded in 1916 for commercial exploitation of this telegraphic system . In 1921 he founded with Otto Klung and August Stauch the main company for industries , which included various Vox companies such as the Vox record company founded in 1920 . The project was financed by Louis Blattner, who works in England .

After the Second World War he worked as a freelancer both for the Society for Electroacoustic and Mechanical Apparatus ( GEMA ) and for the Funkwerk Berlin-Köpenick (cf. Rundfunk- und Fernmelde-Technik ), which developed the BG19 magnetic tape recorder by 1951.

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