Cyrestis thyodamas

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Cyrestis thyodamas
Cyrestis thyodamas 1.jpg

Cyrestis thyodamas

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Subfamily : Cyrestinae
Genre : Cyrestis
Type : Cyrestis thyodamas
Scientific name
Cyrestis thyodamas
Boisduval , 1836
Wing underside
Moth on a damp earth spot

Cyrestis thyodamas is a butterfly (day butterfly ) from the family of the noble butterfly (Nymphalidae) that occurs in Southeast Asia.



The wingspan of the moth is 40 to 50 millimeters. There is no sexual dimorphism . In both sexes, the basic wing color is white. All wings show a drawing consisting of fine black lines that resembles a pattern or a road map . In English usage, the species is referred to as a Common Map . The inner angle of the front wings and the apex of the rear wings are each curved inward and slightly drawn in. The inner angle of the forewing upper side is provided with reddish and yellow-brown spots. The submarginal region of the hind wings shows blue, dark brown and yellowish stripes which open into a reddish brown spot at the anal angle . The hind wings are provided with a short and a slightly longer pair of pointed tails. All wing undersides show several thin black transverse lines and stripes on a whitish background as well as a red-brown spot on the anal corner.

Pre-imaginal stages

The eggs are yellow, have a slightly conical shape and are flattened at the bottom.

Young caterpillars are initially colored glassy light brown. From the third stage onwards they take on a predominantly green color with a reddish brown stripe on the side and two dark brown, rough tubercles grow on the head and more on the back after about a third of the body length and on the anal segment, the tips of which are whitish in color.

The doll is designed as a falling doll, has a light brown color and has a curved, beak-like tip on the head.

Similar species

Similar moths of the genus Cyrestis , for example Cyrestis achates , Cyrestis elegans , Cyrestis irmae , Cyrestis nivea and Cyrestis maenalis differ in line drawings of different types or in different colored lines or different thicknesses of stripes.

Distribution, subspecies and habitat

Cyrestis thyodamas occurs south of the Himalayas , in India , Myanmar , Thailand , in southeast China , on Taiwan and in Japan . There are currently six subspecies in the individual occurrence areas . The species mainly inhabits light forests and river banks.

Way of life

Depending on the climatic conditions, the moths fly for two generations a year and are found in different frequencies in all months. They suck on flowers, for example on lantana ( Lantana ) and like in large groups together to damp Erdstellen to accommodate liquid and minerals. The caterpillars feed on the leaves of various types of figs ( Ficus ).

Individual evidence

  2. a b Markku Savela: Tanaecia Butler, (1869) - distribution. In: Lepidoptera and some other life forms. Retrieved February 17, 2019 .

Web links

Commons : Cyrestis thyodamas  - Collection of images, videos and audio files