Czarina Wilpert

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Czarina Wilpert (* in Los Angeles ) is a social and migration researcher . She has been researching and publishing on the topics of migration, discrimination and equal opportunities since the 1980s.

Live and act

Czarina Wilpert, née Huerta, is of Mexican-American origin and has lived in Berlin since 1968. In 1974 she completed her studies in sociology, psychology and economics of education at the Technical University of Berlin (MA) and received her doctorate there in 1980. Phil. Sociology with the topic “The future of the second generation. Expectations and behavioral possibilities of foreign children ”. In her professional life, Wilpert has been and is active in various positions as an employed and freelance scientist.

1974–1977 she worked as a research assistant at the International Institute for Comparative Social Research - International Labor Migration at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin and 1979–1981 in the research project "Future Orientation of Migrant Families Using the Example of the Turks in Berlin" at the Technical University of Berlin. 1982–1987 she coordinated a research project in 12 European countries on the 2nd generation and cultural identity of immigrants (Cultural Identity and Migration) of the European Science Foundation , Strasbourg.

This was followed by research as a research assistant in 1984–1988 in the project “Cultural Identity and Migration”, and 1992–1993 at the Institute for Sociology, each at the Technical University of Berlin. 1994–1997 she worked as a research assistant at the Federal Institute for Vocational Training .

From 1996–1998 at the Institute for Social Sciences at the Technical University of Berlin, Wilpert was a member of the TSER research project of the European Union Commission: "Migrant insertion in the informal economy, deviant behavior and the impact on receiving societies", and 1999–2001 a member of the TSER- Network of the Commission of the European Union: "Working on the fringes: immigrant business, economic integration and informal practices."

In 2001 she was a member of the CIVITAS evaluation team: Alice Salamon University of Applied Sciences for Social Work and Social Education Berlin . From 2002–2004 she coordinated the EU program - Anti-Discrimination Legislation and the Potential for Diversity Implementation in the Public Administration “Berlin City of Diversity”, in cooperation with the integration officer of the Berlin Senate Administration for Health and Social Affairs.

Wilpert has been researching as a senior researcher since 2004 - 2004 to 2006 in the SMILING project - Skilled Migrants in the Labor Market, 2007–2010 in the GendeRace project, EU 7th Framework Program: the Intersectionality of Gender, Ethnicity, and Class in access and use of anti- discrimination legislation and to date in different projects in the areas of international migration, immigrant self-employment, ethnic economy, citizenship, diversity, discrimination and race.

Her work focuses on research on international migration, gender and generation in the context of the labor market development of descendants of labor migrants, ethnic economy, the independence of immigrants, citizenship, diversity, discrimination and racism.

Czarina Wilpert is involved in charitable organizations and projects on a voluntary basis: Since 1990 she has been a co-founder and member of the board of the Independent Immigrant Initiative, an educational institution in the field of business start-ups for immigrant women. From 1991 to 1994, Czarina Wilpert initiated and headed the MIBA (multilingual immigrant women in vocational and training) project of the Berliner Frauenbund 1949 eV. Since 1996 she has been involved in the association Eine Welt der Vielfalt eV, a non-profit organization with its educational program “Eine World of Diversity ”campaigns for diversity and human rights and against discrimination. Wilpert founded the association in 1996 on the occasion of the racist riots in Rostock-Lichtenhagen and was chairman of the board until November 7, 2017. Today she supports the association as honorary chairwoman.

Since 1964 she was married to Bernhard Wilpert , who died in 2017. She has two children with him.


  • C. Wilpert, Z. Layton-Henry (Ed.): Challenging Racism and Discrimination in Britain and Germany. Palgrave / Macmillan, 2003.
  • C. Wilpert (Ed.): Innovative Approaches in Vocational Training for Women in Europe. Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Ed.), Berlin 1996.
  • C. Wilpert (Ed.): Entering the Working World: Following the Descendants of Europe's Immigrant Labor Force. Gower, Aldershot 1988.
  • C. Wilpert, J. Rex, D. Joly (Eds.): Immigrant Associations in Europe. Gower, Aldershot 1987.
  • C. Wilpert, M. Morokvasic (Ed.): Conditions and consequences of international migration: Reports from research on the migration biographies of families, young people and foreign workers. Institute for Sociology, Technical University Berlin, 1983.
  • C. Wilpert: The future of the second generation: Expectations and behavioral possibilities of foreign children. Publisher Anton Hain, Königstein / Ts. 1980.

Article (excerpt)

  • C. Wilpert, R. Mandel: Pathways to Emancipation, Immigrant Women from Turkey and their Descendants. In: N. Abadan-Unat, G. Mizrahi Mirdal: Emancipation in Exile: Perspectives on the Empowerment of Migrant Women. Bilgi University Press, Istanbul 2015.
  • C. Wilpert: Identity Issues in the History of the Postwar Migration from Turkey to Germany, to be published. In: 50 Years Migration from Turkey to Germany. (= German Politics and Society. Volume 31, No. 2). 20130, pp. 108-131.
  • C. Wilpert: Migration and informal work in the new Berlin: new forms of work or new sources of labor? In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Vol. 24, No. 2: 269-294. April 1998.
  • C. Wilpert: The Daughters of Guest Workers: Careers and Affiliations. In: B. Schäffers (Ed.): Living conditions and social conflicts in the new Europe. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1993.
  • C. Wilpert: The Ideological and Institutional Foundations of Racism in the Federal Republic of Germany. In: J. Wrench, J. Solomos (Eds.): Racism and Migration in Europe in the 1990s. Berg Publishers, 2003.
  • C. Wilpert: Ethnic and Cultural Identity: Ethnicity and the Second Generation in the Context of European Migration. In: K. Liebkind: New Identities in Europe. Gower, Aldershot 1989.
  • C. Wilpert, AS Gitmez: A Micro-Society or an Ethnic Community? Social Organization and Ethnicity Amongst Turkish Migrants in Berlin. In: John Rex, D. Joly, C. Wilpert (Eds.): Immigrant Associations in Europe. Gower, Aldershot 1987.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Heinz Lynen von Berg, Roland Roth (Ed.): Measures and programs scientifically accompanied . Springer, Wiesbaden 2003, p. 270 (authors: Czarina Wilpert, née Huerta).
  2. Czarina Wilpert Board Member ISI eV Accessed on July 14, 2019 .
  3. A world of diversity. Accessed on July 14, 2019 .
  4. Dr. Czarina Wilpert receives the Berlin Women's Prize 2006: Committed to integration and independence. Retrieved July 2, 2019 .
  5. TU scientist Dr. Czarina Wilpert is awarded the Order of Merit of the State of Berlin. Retrieved July 14, 2019 .
  6. Order celebration with Czarina Wilpert. Retrieved on July 14, 2019 (Mrs. Wilpert from minute 3.45).
  7. Cross of Merit for Czarina Wilpert. Retrieved July 14, 2019 .