Thin-lipped mullet

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Thin-lipped mullet
Liza ramada.jpg

Thin-lipped mullet ( Chelon ramada )

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Mugiliformes
Family : Mullets (Mugilidae)
Genre : Chelon
Type : Thin-lipped mullet
Scientific name
Chelon ramada
( Risso , 1827)

The thin-lipped mullet ( Chelon ramada , Syn .: Liza ramada ) is a species of mullet that can be found in the north-east Atlantic, the North Sea, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea .


The thin-lipped mullet has an elongated, spindle-shaped body characteristic of the mullet and reaches an average length of 40 and a maximum of 70 centimeters with a maximum weight of 2.9 kilograms. The head, which is flattened on the top, has a terminal mouth. In contrast to the thick-lipped mullet , it has no enlarged upper lip and no protuberances (papillae). The back is gray-blue, the flanks are colored silver-gray and have several fine dark longitudinal lines.

Mullets have two dorsal fins, the first has 4 hard rays and the second one hard and 7 to 8 soft rays , the anal fin 3 hard and 9 soft rays. The pelvic fins are on the chest.


The thin-lipped mullet can be found in the north-eastern Atlantic from Norway , the North and western Baltic Seas to West Africa in the Senegal area and around the Cape Verde and Canary Islands . It also lives in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea .

Way of life

Mullets live as pronounced schooling fish in the coastal area, where they occasionally invade lagoons and estuaries. In summer, they are mainly found in the surface area and graze on algae and invertebrates near the ground. In winter, they retreat to deeper layers in northern areas and largely stop eating.

The spawning season falls in the Mediterranean from October to December and in more northern areas from March to April. The eggs are released into the open water and float in the surface water due to stored oil droplets. The age of this species can be up to 9 years.

Importance to humans

Mullets are popular food fish that are caught in the open sea and also kept in aquaculture .

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f g Andreas Vilcinskas : Fish - Central European freshwater species and marine fish of the North and Baltic Seas . BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munich 2000; P. 142; ISBN 3-405-15848-6 .
  2. a b c d Thin-lipped Mullet on (English)


Web links

Commons : Thin-lipped Mullet ( Liza ramada )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files