Daniel Binswanger

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Daniel Binswanger (* 1969 in Zurich ) is a Swiss journalist .

Binswanger studied philosophy and literature in Paris , London and Berlin .

From 2004 to 2006 he worked for Weltwoche in Paris , and from 2007 he was Paris correspondent for the Tages-Anzeiger . He has criticized postmodern philosophy in various contributions. For Das Magazin , the weekend supplement of the Tages-Anzeiger , Basler Zeitung , Berner Zeitung and Der Bund , he wrote a weekly commentary on economic and socio-political issues until the end of November 2017 , mainly taking up left-wing liberal and social democratic positions. He moderates the salon talks at the Neumarkt Theater in Zurich . He has been writing for the media start-up Republik since 2018 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Daniel Binswanger: Radical, blanket, shit. In: Die Weltwoche . 41/2005.
  2. Daniel Binswanger changes to the «Republic». In: persoenlich.com . 18th September 2017.