Daniel Georg newborn

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Bishop Daniel Georg newborn

Daniel Georg Neugeboren (born September 21, 1759 in Sibiu , Transylvania , †  February 21, 1822 in Biertan , Transylvania) was bishop of the Evangelical Church AB in Transylvania from 1806 to 1822 ("Saxon Bishop ").

Neugeboren had already worked as a private tutor for some time before he completed a degree in history and theology at the University of Leipzig . After graduating, he went back to his hometown and worked there as a teacher, later also as the head of the city high school.

Enthusiastic about the ideas of the Enlightenment , from 1790 on, Neugeboren started to publish the magazine "Transylvania Quarterly" together with some like-minded people . From 1799 newborn was also active in pastoral care and in 1805 he was given the office of pastor of Mühlbach ( Unterwald ). He married there and had two sons, among other things; Johann Ludwig and Karl .

In 1806 newborn was appointed bishop of the Evangelical Church in Transylvania. In this office, too, he tried to implement enlightenment ideas. He began to reorganize the school system in his homeland, Transylvania, and unified (renewed) the administration of the Transylvanian Church. The most important thing was probably a revised visitation order that newborns presented in 1817.

Works (selection)

  • Regulation for the consistories of the Augsburg Confession Relatives in Transylvania (1817)
