Daniel I. Arnon

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Daniel Israel Arnon (born November 14, 1910 in Warsaw , † December 20, 1994 in Berkeley , California ) was an American biologist , biochemist and plant physiologist of Polish descent.


Arnon studied at the University of California at Berkeley with Dennis Robert Hoagland (BS 1932, PhD 1936). He became Ass. Prof. in 1941 and Assoc. Professor of Cell Physiology at the University of California. In 1961 he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences , 1962 to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences , and in 1974 a member of the Leopoldina .

Attempt by Arnon

He first separated chloroplasts and then separated thylakoids and stroma by centrifugation: he added light, NADP +, ADP, phosphate and magnesium 2+ ions to the thylakoids in the aqueous phase . After the reaction, NADPH / H +, ATP and oxygen were present. In 1954 Arnon discovered photophosphorylation, i.e. the light-dependent formation of ATP during photosynthesis . In addition, he proved that the oxygen formed during photosynthesis is formed from the O atoms in water (photolysis of water). He then added the substances ATP and NADPH / H + and CO 2 formed in the thylakoid reaction to the stroma . This resulted in glucose, ADP and NADP +. This was proof that the CO 2 is fixed in glucose.

(published together with Mary Belle Allen and Frederick Robert Whatley : Photosynthesis by isolated chloroplasts . In: Nature 174 (1954): 394-196.)

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