Daniel Viglietti

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Daniel Viglietti at a performance (2007)
Daniel Viglietti

Daniel Viglietti (born July 24, 1939 in Montevideo ; † October 30, 2017 there ) was a Uruguayan singer , composer and guitarist . He was one of the most important representatives of the Uruguayan Canto Popular .


Viglietti completed his musical training with Abel Carlevaro at the Conservatorio Nacional de Música and with Atilio Rapat . He has performed at festivals in Berlin, Paris, Havana, Managua, Valparaiso and Barcelona, ​​among others. During his career, which began in the late 1950s, he recorded at least twelve records, which were also released outside of his home country, for example in Argentina, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico, Cuba and the USA. Viglietti also led the "Tímpano" program on CX 14 El Espectador , worked as a cultural journalist for Spanish and Latin American publications and wrote for Uruguayan newspapers. Daniel Viglietti, who is considered the singer of the left-wing Tupamaro guerrilla , was arrested in Uruguay in 1972. He was released after an international solidarity campaign and was barely able to leave the country before the military dissolved parliament in June 1973. The singer fled first to Argentina and then to Paris. From 1973 to 1984 Viglietti lived in exile in France.

Viglietti has received many awards for his music. He received gold and platinum records in Uruguay, was awarded the record price in Germany, the price of the Circulo de la Crítica del Disco de Uruguay and the price of the Charles Cros Academy . The writer Mario Benedetti wrote the two books "Daniel Viglietti" and "Daniel Viglietti: Anaclara y otras canciones" about him.

Viglietti dedicated the last concert before his sudden death at the end of October in the city of Las Piedras to the Argentinian-Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara .

Viglietti's songs have been interpreted by numerous other artists, including Chavela Vargas , Alfredo Zitarrosa , Lea Masliah , Víctor Jara , Quilapayún , Mercedes Sosa , Soledad Bravo and Amparo Ochoa .


Web links

Commons : Daniel Viglietti  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Sing a human song in inhuman times . Karin de Miguel interviews Daniel Viglietti