Daniel Weisweiller

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Baron Daniel de Weisweiller (1814-1892) .jpg

Daniel Bernhard Weisweiller (* 1814 in Frankfurt am Main ; † January 13, 1892 in Paris ) worked as a banker on behalf of the Rothschild banking house in Spain.


He was the son of the broker Leopold David Weisweiler from Frankfurt-Bockenheim .

The Rothschilds' business in Spain began around 1821, initially led by Lionel de Rothschild and from 1834 by Daniel Bernhard Weisweiller in the Spanish capital, Madrid .

During the First Charlist War, the Rothschild banking house supported Maria Christina of Naples-Sicily and received a monopoly on the promotion and sale of mercury, including the concession for the mercury mines of Almadén . In the amalgam process , gold is separated from the bedrock with mercury. With a monopoly on mercury, the washing of gold could be controlled to a certain extent .

Weisweiller married Adeline Helbert on May 1, 1843 (* 1825 in London, † 1892 in Paris). Their daughter, Adela Weisweiller († January 23, 1925 in Cannes ) was born on February 11, 1845 in Madrid and married André Capron, the mayor of Cannes.

From 1835 to 1931 the Rothschilds set up a corporate network in Spain. The business areas included financial services for the Ministry of Finance and the Banco de España as well as the control of the Rio Tinto Co. , the Société Minière et Metallurgique Peñarroya and the Compañía de los Ferrocarriles de Madrid a Zaragoza y Alicante , the Deutsch y Compañía the dominant Spanish oil refinery , At the end of the 19th century.

On January 1st, 1855 Weisweiller founded the Weisweiller & Bauer Cía with Ignacio Bauer .

In 1856 a law was repealed in Spain prohibiting international investment in Spanish companies.

From 1856 the Rothschild banking house invested in Spanish railway companies, while Weisweiller & Bauer Cía. invested in the establishment of gas distribution networks.

Weisweiller was consul of Franz I of Austria , consul general of Maximilian II. Joseph of Bavaria and consul general of the Hanseatic cities of Bremen and Lübeck in Madrid.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Gonzalo Álvarez Chillida, El antisemitismo en España: la imagen del judío, 1812-2002
  2. http://www.porges.net/FamilyTreesBiographies/PorgesWeisweiller.html
  3. Miguel A. López-Morell, José Maria O'Kean Alonso, La red de negocios de la Casa Rothschild en Espana como una estructura de toma de decisiones y de gestión empresarial , Universidad de Murcia
  4. Gaceta de Madrid , 07/02/1853, Gran baile en la casa de Mr. Daniel Weisweiller. En la noche del sábado último se verificó un gran baile en casa de Mr. Daniel Weisweiller. Esta fiesta, de las mas brillante y animadas de un invierno que tan fecundo ha sido en ellas ofreció toda clase de atractivos á los concurrentes. Los salones se hallaban adornados con tanto lujo como elegancia, llamdo la atención en uno los magnificos tapices antiguos que cubrian sus paredes. Infinitas macetas y jarrones de flores embellecian la escalas y las antesalas, y el buffet estuvo servide con delicadeza y abundancia. Entre la concurrencía, perteneciente toda á la alta sociedad, figurban las hijas de SM la REINA Madre, el Sr. Duque de Riánsares, y los Sres. Ministros de la Guerra, Gracia y Justicia y Marina. Inútil es añadir que Mr. y Mma. Weisweiller hicieron lo honores con su acostumbrada amabilidad y buen tono. No fué tampoco menos brillante el baile que dieron los Condes de Casa Bayona la noche de 2 de Febrero, y con el cual han terminado por ahora sus notables reuniones.
  5. ^ Mercedes Arroyo, The gas of Madrid and the foreign credit companies in Spain, 1856-1890 , Universidad de Barcelona