Dar al-Shahada

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Dar al-Shahada ( Arabic دار الشهادة, DMG dār aš-šahāda  'area of ​​witness of faith') is a neologism in Islam that was introduced by Tariq Ramadan . The term is strictly rejected by Islamic orthodoxy .

The dar al-Shahada denotes one of the basic ideas of the Euro -Islam specifically represented by Ramadan and serves to resolve the contradiction between the traditional dichotomy dār al-Islām (area of ​​Islam) vs. dār al-Harb (area of ​​war).

While the Islamic tradition sees dar al-Islam as a safe place for Muslims and the Dār al-Harb as an area that Muslims must conquer or leave, Ramadan points out that Dar al-Harb by granting freedom of religion and the 256th verse of the Koran of the second sura No compulsion in religion within Islam in most non-Islamic countries and in Europe, in his opinion, as a term no longer valid. It is replaced by the Shahāda as the Islamic creed that can be freely practiced and thus makes jihad against the non-Islamic world superfluous.

The previously partially used term Dar ad-Da „ wa ("area of ​​mission") was dropped by Ramadan.

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