The family jewel

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German title The family jewel
Original title The Family Jewels
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1965
length 100 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Jerry Lewis
script Jerry Lewis
Bill Richmond
production Jerry Lewis
music Pete King
camera W. Wallace Kelley
cut John Woodcock

The family jewels (Original title: The Family Jewels ) is an American comedy film directed by Jerry Lewis from 1965. The main roles are played by Jerry Lewis and Donna Butterworth.


Ten-year-old Donna Peyton, daughter of a big industrialist, has lost her parents. Her father stated in his will that she should choose a new father from one of his five brothers. The sixth brother, the black sheep of the family, the crook Bugs Peyton, is believed to be dead. Donna is supposed to spend two weeks with each of her uncles to get to know them and get an idea of ​​them. She is accompanied by her chauffeur and best friend Willard.

Donna isn't particularly fond of her uncles. The uncles are an absent-minded photographer, a lousy circus clown who doesn't even want to see them and immediately fled abroad, an aging sailor who once sank his own ship, a quirky pilot who was featured in the film first passengers ever carried and a Sherlock Holmes-imitating Englishman who is forced to live in the States again. Donna would rather that Willard would become her father, which the lawyers believe would not be possible.

When Donna is dropped off at her last uncle by Willard, she is kidnapped by Bugs (the gangster). He wants to get hold of her deceased father's fortune through her. When Willard found out about this, he immediately alerted the other uncles. With a trick, Donna manages to contact Willard over the phone and give her presumed whereabouts. He immediately rushes to the port district, where he diverts a military parade in front of the hiding place of Bugs and distracts the crooks with a loudspeaker truck until Donna can escape herself.

When Donna finally has to choose one, she chooses Willard as her new father. While the lawyers try to convince them to change their minds, Willard shows up in a clown costume and claims to be the runaway uncle. Donna recognizes him and chooses him. In the end, Donna and Willard leave the office happy.


The lexicon of international films describes the production as a “refreshing comedy” with Jerry Lewis in a seven-fold role and “remarkable originality”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The family jewel . In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used