David Emil Bronnert

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David Emil Bronneri, 1911

David Emil Bronnert (born January 17, 1868 in Schiltigheim , † October 18, 1928 in Strasbourg ) was a German industrialist, chemist and politician. He was a professor of chemistry and a member of the first chamber of the Landtag of the realm of Alsace-Lorraine .

David Emil Bronnert was the eldest son of the shoemaker and entrepreneur David Bronnert in Breuschwickersheim and his wife Anne Catherine nee Bohr. Bronnert, who was a member of the Reformed Church of Alsace and Lorraine , attended secondary school and then studied at the University of Geneva , the TH Dresden and the University of Strasbourg . He was promoted to Dr. phil is doing his doctorate. In 1884 he became an assistant at the chemistry school in Mulhouse. From 1895 to 1899 he worked on synthetic fibers in a private laboratory and was then appointed full professor.

He was a member of the supervisory board of the United Glanzstoff factories in Elberfeld and a manufacturer in Niedermorschwihr.

In 1911 David Emil Bronnert was appointed a member of the first chamber of the Landtag of the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine by Kaiser Wilhelm II . His party affiliation is given in the state handbook as liberal.



  • Government and Parliament of Alsace-Lorraine 1911–1916. Biographical-statistical manual . Mulhouse 1911, p. 147.
  • Roland Oberlé: Entry BRONNERT Emile David in: Christian Baechler: Nouveau dictionnaire de biographie alsacienne, Volume 5, p. 371 (French)