David Jackson (actor)

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David Jackson at the Blake's 7 DVD release on January 16, 2005

David Jackson (born July 15, 1934 in Liverpool , † July 25, 2005 ) was a British actor. His most famous role is probably that of Olag Gan in the first two seasons of Blake's 7 .


In his career, Jackson played in other series in addition to his role in Blake's 7 . He had a supporting role in With Umbrella, Charm and Melon , Moon Base Alpha 1 (as an extraterrestrial in the episode "Don't Touch the Plant"), The Watcher and Coronation Street . In 2002 he took part in a radio play that was based on parts of the Doctor Who series. He was a huge science fiction fanatic all his life and was happy that his name was still associated with Blake's 7 years after the series .

He died of a heart attack, leaving behind his wife Anna and a son.

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