David Alexandrovich Aitov

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DA Aitow (1876)

Dawid Alexandrovich Aitow ( Russian Давид Александрович Аитов ; born May 25 . Jul / 6. June  1854 greg. In Orenburg ; † 18th March 1933 in Paris ) was a Russian cartographer and revolutionary.

After his emigration to France in 1879, Aitow worked as a cartographer at Hachette-Verlag , where he played a key role in the atlas universel published by Louis Vivien de Saint-Martin and later Franz Schrader . Based on the results of the first general census of the Russian Empire in 1897, he published an ethnographic overview map in 1: 12,500,000 with an explanatory text.

The Aitow projection and the Hammer-Aitow projection for map display go back to Aitow .

Dawid Aitow is the father of the French rugby player Vladimir Aïtoff and the pianist Irène Aïtoff .

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