Dawid Wdowiński

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Dawid Wdowiński's questionnaire on the initial reporting of the health professions.

Dawid Wdowiński (born February 25, 1895 in Będzin ; † 1970 ) was a Polish neurologist and psychiatrist, member of the Jewish right-wing organization Hatzohar , according to some sources co-founder and chairman of the Jewish Military Association (pol. Żydowski Związek Wojskowy , short ŻZW ) and participant and one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising .


Wdowiński was the son of Jezajasz Wdowiński and Maria, geb. Pałasznicka.

In the interwar period he was head of the revisionist-Zionist party in Poland: Polska Partia Syjonistyczna . Together with the former officers of Jewish origin in the armed forces of the Republic of Poland ( Wojsko Polskie ) and the Jewish political activists: Dawid Moryc Apfelbaum, Józef Celmajster, Henryk Lifszyc, Kałmen Mendelson, Paweł Frenkel and Leon Rodal, Wdowiński initiated the uprising of the Jewish Military Union in 1939 .

After the outbreak of the uprising and the deaths of Dawid Apfelbaum, Paweł Frenkel and Leon Rodal, Wdowiński was probably the last commander of the uprising on the part of the Jewish Military Union. He was also one of two, along with Marek Edelman from the Jewish Fighting Organization , who survived the war. During the uprising, Wdowiński was deported to Lublin , from where he was sent to the labor camp in Budzyń .

In 1963, Dawid Wdowiński's book " And we are not saved " was published in New York City , USA , in which the author was supposed to reveal the whole truth about the involvement of the Jewish Military Association in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

Individual evidence

  1. Stanisław Łoza (red.): Czy wiesz kto to jest? . Warszawa: Główna Księgarnia Wojskowa, 1938, p. 336. OCLC 174218812 .
  2. Libionka, Dariusz, Kranz, Tomasz ,: Przybyli do getta ... odeszli w nieznane ...: zagłada Żydów w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie: katalog wystawy = They arrived at the ghetto ... and went into the unknown ...: the extermination of Jews in the General Government: exhibition catalog . Lublin 2014, ISBN 978-83-62816-13-2 .