Delegation for relations with Afghanistan

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In order to strengthen democratic institutions in Afghanistan , shortly after the European parliamentary elections , the Delegation for Relations with Afghanistan (D-AF) was set up in 2009, making it one of the youngest delegations of the European Parliament . The main focus of the delegation is on issues relating to democratization, government work, the legal system and the strengthening of human rights in Afghanistan. Attempts are also being made to improve the country's security situation through the military presence of various member states of the European Union and active intervention.


An agreement concluded in Bonn in 2001 paved the way for an alliance between Afghanistan and the European Union . The cooperation was deepened by a visit by a delegation from the European Parliament in July 2005, which was mainly concerned with assessing the political situation in Afghanistan with regard to the first Afghan parliamentary elections on September 18, 2005 . During the parliamentary term between 2004 and 2009, four further inter-parliamentary meetings took place.


The delegation for relations with Afghanistan is the interface between the European Parliament and the Wolesi Jirga , the lower house of the Afghan two-chamber parliament.

It consists of seven permanent members and a number of representatives. Petras Auštrevičius , a Lithuanian member of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, will chair the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. His deputies are Eva Joly and Lars Adaktussom . The chairman and his deputy are elected by the members of the delegation, the members themselves are determined by the respective political groups in the European Parliament. The distribution reflects that of Parliament.

Delegation meeting

Most of the delegation has met monthly in Brussels and Strasbourg since it was founded . The Afghan Ambassador to the European Union, members of the European External Action Service and the European Commission are also invited to these meetings. Other guests included representatives from think tanks, NGOs and Afghan and international organizations. The meetings take place both on Afghan soil and in one of the European Parliament's workplaces.


The main tasks of the delegation include:

  • to create political developments and perspectives for political regulations
  • conducting peace talks with the fundamentalist Islamic Taliban
  • control of the security situation; also with regard to the roles of NATO and EUPOL
  • the work of non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
  • control of government and judicial work; in particular with regard to the fight against corruption and illegal drug production
  • the preservation of human rights; with a focus on the rights of women and children
  • Creation of an EU strategy for Afghanistan
  • the EU – Afghanistan Cooperation Agreement on Partnership and Development

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c D-AF: Delegation for relations with Afghanistan: History. Retrieved February 12, 2019.
  2. ^ Delegation for relations with Afghanistan NT \ 790190EN.doc (PDF). Retrieved February 12, 2019.
  3. ^ D-AF: Delegation for relations with Afghanistan: Introduction. Retrieved February 12, 2019.