Denis Amici

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Denis Amici (born June 10, 1972 in San Marino ) is a politician from San Marino . He was elected Capitano Reggente (Head of State) of San Marino for the term of office from April 1, 2013 to October 1, 2013 together with Antonella Mularoni .

Amici has a diploma as an accountant. In 1999 he took over the management of his father's construction company. In November 2008 he ran for the Arengo e Libertà on the joint list with the PDCS for the San Marinese parliament, the Consiglio Grande e Generale . He was in 25th place on the list of 21 MPs, but was able to move into parliament as a replacement for outgoing ministers whose parliamentary mandate is suspended during their term of office. There he was a member of the Permanent Committee on Home Affairs and Justice and the Council of the Twelve (Consiglio dei XII). In 2012 he was re-elected to the Consiglio Grande e Generale as an independent on the PDCS list. He was a member of the Council of Twelve again until April 2014 and was a member of the group of San Marinese MPs in the Interparliamentary Union . In February 2013 he became a member of the PDCS.

Amici lives in Fiorentino , is married and has two sons.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. San Marino. Eletti i nuovi Capitani Reggenti: Antonella Mularoni e Denis Amici. In: March 20, 2013, accessed April 1, 2013 (Italian).
  2. Le prossime 'new entry' in Consiglio Grande e Generale. In: San Marino RTV. November 26, 2008, accessed September 11, 2015 (Italian). Domenico Gasperoni: I governi di San Marino. Storia e personaggi. AIEP Editore, Serravalle 2015, ISBN 978-88-6086-118-4 , p. 390.
  3. Consiglio dei XII. Composizione attuale a partire dal 3 December 2008. In: Retrieved March 11, 2015 (Italian).
  4. ^ Result of the elections on November 11, 2012. Accessed April 1, 2013 (Italian).
  5. ^ Repubblica di San Marino XXVIII legislatura. Elezioni November 11th 2012. Organismi. Consiglio dei XII. Retrieved March 11, 2015 (Italian).
  6. Consiglio Grande e Generale del 10-17 April 2014. April 10, 2014, accessed on March 11, 2015 (Italian).
  7. ^ Composizione Gruppo Nazionale Sammarinese presso l'Unione Interparlamentare. Retrieved April 1, 2013 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor

Denise Bronzetti
Teodoro Lonfernini
Capitano Reggente
together with Antonella Mularoni

Gian Carlo Capicchioni
Anna Maria Muccioli