Denise Bronzetti

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Denise Bronzetti (born December 12, 1972 in San Marino ) is a politician from San Marino . She was elected Capitano Reggente (Head of State) of San Marino together with Teodoro Lonfernini for the term of office from October 1, 2012 to April 1, 2013 .

After graduating from high school, Bronzetti worked as a civil servant. At the age of 15 she joined the youth organization of the Partito Socialista Sammarinese. From March 2003 to December 2007 she was part of the secretariat of the PSS (or the PSD ). She was a member of the executive committee of the PSD and was president of the party from July 24, 2009 until she left the party in September 2013.

From 1999 to 2002 she was secretary of the FUPI – CSdL union and on the board of the CSdL. From 1999 to 2002 Bronzetti was a member of the Parliamentary Commission on Equal Rights and from December 2002 to the end of 2003 she was personal assistant to the Minister of Justice.

In 2006 she was elected Consiglio Grande e Generale in the San Marinese parliament . In the 2008 elections, she entered parliament again. She was chairman of the Interior Committee and a member of the San Marinese group in the Inter-Parliamentary Union .

On September 17, 2012 she was elected together with Teodoro Lonfernini by the Consiglio Grande e Generale for the period from October 1, 2012 to April 1, 2013 as Capitano Reggente, the head of state of San Marino.

In the elections of November 11, 2012, she was re-elected to the Consiglio Grande e Generale. She is a member of the Consiglio dei XII , Parliament's permanent committee on foreign affairs, and a member of the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly to the OSCE . She became parliamentary group leader of the PSD, but resigned from the party on September 17, 2013, but supports the government as an independent MP.

In the 2016 general election, Bronzetti ran as an independent candidate on the Partito Socialista (PS) list and received the most votes. She is a member of the Foreign Affairs and Justice Committee and belongs to the San Marino delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union .

Denise Bronzetti is married and has two children.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. San Marino. Eletti i nuovi Capitani Reggenti: Teodoro Lonfernini e Denise Bronzetti. In: September 17, 2012, accessed September 30, 2012 (Italian).
  2. ^ Result of the elections of June 4, 2006 on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of San Marino. Ministry of Interior of San Marino, accessed September 30, 2012 (Italian).
  3. ^ Result of the elections of November 9, 2008 on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of San Marino. Ministry of Interior of San Marino, accessed September 30, 2012 (Italian).
  4. ^ Result of the elections on November 11, 2012. Ministry of the Interior of San Marino, accessed on April 7, 2013 .
  5. ^ Composizione Consiglio dei XII. Retrieved April 7, 2013 .
  6. Elenco commisioni consiliari permanenti. Retrieved April 7, 2013 .
  7. Composizione delegatione consigliare presso l'assemblea parlamentare dell'OSCE. Accessed April 7, 2013 .
  8. San Marino. Denise Bronzetti ha lasciato il Psd. In: September 16, 2013, accessed April 4, 2015 (Italian).
  9. ^ Denise Bronzetti si candida con il partito socialista. San Marino RTV, October 3, 2016, accessed March 19, 2017 (Italian).
  10. ^ Result of the elections of December 4, 2016 - List PS. San Marino Ministry of the Interior, accessed April 7, 2013 .
  11. San Marino. Ecco tutte le nomine nelle commissioni consiliari permanenti e negli organismi. In: January 20, 2017, accessed March 19, 2017 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor

Maurizio Rattini
Italo Righi
Capitano Reggente
together with Teodoro Lonfernini

Denis Amici
Antonella Mularoni