Memorial to the fallen of Field Artillery Regiment No. 102

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The memorial for the fallen soldiers of the field artillery regiment No. 102 is one of four memorials for the fallen in Hanover from the time of National Socialism . Similar to the three other war memorials, it served to glorify war death and as an invitation to the younger generation to follow the soldiers who died in the First World War .

History and description

The memorial to the fallen soldiers of the 102nd Field Artillery Regiment has the shape of a vertical cuboid on a pyramidal base. It was set up on Klagesmarkt and, according to the captioning of a picture postcard , " inaugurated " on November 14, 1937 . On this occasion , the local newspapers did not paraphrase the speeches given in the form previously known. The congregation of the Christ Church limited itself on this occasion to ringing the bells of the church tower.

Under a stylized ball with a flame above as a symbol for the Eternal Flame , the following inscription can be found on one side of the war memorial:

“Field artillery regiment No. 102 and its main troops fought for Germany from 1914 to 1918.

Antwerp Langemarck Ypres Yser Somme Champagne Dünaburg Reims Soissons Cambrai

172 brave comrades died for our fatherland.

Be worth it! "

On the back of the stele the following inscription could be deciphered:

"Main troop units: I. Substitute Department Field Artillery Regiment No. 26 I. Battery Field Artillery Regiment Generalgouvernement Brussels Battery Dunker Field Artillery Department No. 102

The light ammunition columns 991 - 992 - 993 "are separated


  • Alfred Schmidt (arrangement): The Kgl. Prussia. Field Artillery Regiment No. 102. Edited from the official war diaries on behalf of the regiment's officers' association , 228 pages with 2 overview maps, Oldenburg i. O., Berlin: Verlag von Gerhard Stalling; Printing: Hugo Alpers book printing company, Oelitzsch, Halle district, 1927 digitized version of the Württemberg State Library
  • Gerhard Schneider : On the function and shape of the war memorials , in which: "... not fallen in vain"? War memorials and cult of the dead in Hanover (= Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , special volume), publisher: Landeshauptstadt Hanover, Hanover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1991, pp. 229–235; here especially pp. 229–231; limited preview in Google Book search

Web links

  • Thilo C. Agthe (Red.), Gerhard Lübbers: Hanover (Christ Church), Lower Saxony , copies of March 27, 2006 and photographs in the online project Gefallenenkkmäler / Von genealogists for genealogists

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gerhard Schneider: On the function and shape of the war memorials , in which: "... not fallen in vain"? War memorials and cult of the dead in Hanover (= Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , special volume), publisher: Landeshauptstadt Hanover, Hanover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1991, pp. 229–235; here especially p. 231; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. a b Compare the information on the postcard from an anonymous photographer without the publisher's information
  3. Thilo C. Agthe (Red.), Gerhard Lübbers: Hannover (Christ Church), Lower Saxony , copies of March 27, 2006 and photographs in the online project Gefallendenkmäler / Von genealogists for genealogists

Coordinates: 52 ° 22 ′ 51.9 "  N , 9 ° 43 ′ 33.2"  E