Soběchleby depot

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The Soběchleby Depot (also known as the Soběchleby hoard ) is a depot find of the Early Bronze Age Aunjetitz culture from Soběchleby , a district of Blšany in Ústecký kraj , Czech Republic . It dates between 2000 and 1800 BC. Today the depot is divided between the Natural History Museum in Vienna , the National Museum in Prague , the South Bohemian Museum in Budweis , the Museum in Chomutov , the Teplice Regional Museum and the Prehistoric Institute of Charles University in Prague . One item is likely privately owned.

Find history

The depot was discovered west of Soběchleby in 1888 during regulation work in the hop garden. It was 50 cm deep. The site is on the northeast slope of a hill.


The depot was deposited in a ceramic bowl. There were numerous bronze objects inside . In the original find report a spiral, 30-40 rings and over 30 axes are mentioned. The items were initially shared among several private individuals. The majority could later be acquired for several public collections. According to their inventories, the depot consisted of the following items that could be reliably assigned: an arm spiral , 29 eyelet neck rings , 23 edge ridge axes , a heel hatchet , two arm cuffs , an arm ring made of double wire, a hammer, a rod with conical ends and a gold ring .

The objects were arranged in such a way that the spiral was at the bottom of the vessel. The rings were stacked above it and the axes stuck between them. No information is available on the original location of the other objects.

In Vienna are the shards of the ceramic bowl, the spiral arm, 21 eyelet neck rings, 15 edge ridge axes and the fragment of another, the cuffs and the hammer. Two ensembles came one after the other to the National Museum in Prague. The first consisted of an eyelet neck ring and two edge ridge axes. This is lost today. The second, still preserved ensemble consists of four eyelet neck rings and three edge ridge axes. In Budweis there is an eyelet neck ring and a ridge ax, in Chomutov an eyelet neck ring, a fragment of another, the heel ax, the arm ring and the staff, and in Teplice an eyelet neck ring. A marginal ridge ax that has been lost today was brought to the Prehistoric Institute in Prague. The gold ring probably remained in private hands.


  • Martin Bartelheim : Studies on the Bohemian Aunjetitzer culture. Chronological and chorological investigations (= university research on prehistoric archeology. Vol. 46). Habelt, Bonn 1998, ISBN 3-7749-2867-3 (also: Berlin, Freie Universität, dissertation, 1998), p. 274.
  • Václav Moucha : Hoards from the early Bronze Age in Bohemia. Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Prague 2005, ISBN 80-86124-57-6 , pp. 152-154 ( online ).
  • Tilmann Vachta : Bronze Age hoards and their sites in Bohemia (= Berlin studies of the ancient world. Volume 33). Edition Topoi, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-9816751-2-2 , pp. 242–243 ( online ).

Coordinates: 50 ° 13 ′ 0.1 ″  N , 13 ° 29 ′ 44.9 ″  E