Resistance. Journal of National Revolutionary Politics

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The illustrated magazine resistance. Journal for National Revolutionary Politics was published monthly from 1926 until it was banned in December 1934 in the resistance publishing house, Berlin. The editors were Ernst Niekisch and A. Paul Weber .


Ernst Niekisch, one of the heads of national Bolshevism , advocated anti-Western (primarily anti-parliamentary-democratic) politics. He worked as a “ national revolutionary” during the Weimar Republic and into the “ Third Reich ”. In 1919 he was chairman of the Central Council of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Councils in Bavaria and in the years that followed tried to persuade the workers to pursue their world-revolutionary and national task. In doing so, he influenced the left wing of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) around Gregor Strasser . In 1926 he founded the magazineResistance. Sheets for socialist and national revolutionary politics . She became the mouthpiece of national Bolshevism. Together with his wife, Niekisch ran the resistance publishing house. From the year 1928 onwards, the subtitle of the paper was called the magazine for national revolutionary politics . In 1928 he began working with the graphic artist A. Paul Weber, who designed political-satirical portrait caricatures, satirical-allegorical depictions of animals and drawings for the magazine Resistance . One of the best known is the lithograph Das Rumor .

The staff included the writers Ernst Jünger , Friedrich Georg Jünger , Joseph E. Drexel , Gustav Sondermann , the former functionary of the Pan-German Association , H. Armstrong, Hans Bäcker, Roderich von Bistram , Friedrich Gregorius, Wilfried Knöpke, Otto Nickel, Otto Petras , Spektator, Eugen Schmahl (possibly partly pseudonyms) and Ernst von Salomon .


  • Ernst Niekisch (Ed.): Writings of the "Resistance" . Resistance Publishing House Anna Niekisch, Dresden [Struvestr. 7 III]
  • Helmuth von Moltke : The western border question . With an introduction by Ernst Niekisch and the logo of the resistance publisher by A. Paul Weber. Resistance Publishing House Anna Niekisch, Dresden 1929, XV, 58 p. ( Writings of the "Resistance" , Ed. Ernst Niekisch, Volume 1)
  • Ernst Niekisch: Politics and Idea [extension of a lecture]. Book decoration by A. Paul Weber. Resistance-Verlag Anna Niekisch, Dresden 1929, 74 pp. ( Writings of the "Resistance" , Ed. Ernst Niekisch; Volume 2)
  • Ernst Niekisch (Ed.): Resistance. Sheets for socialist and national revolutionary politics . Resistance Publishing House
  • Ernst Niekisch: Resistance [selected essays from "Resistance - Papers for Socialist and National Revolutionary Politics"]. With drawings by A. Paul Weber. [Ed. and introduced by Uwe Sauermann. Edited in cooperation with the Association for the Promotion of Cultural and Social Science Journalism and Education]. Sinus-Verlag, Krefeld 1982, ISBN 3-88289-203-X , 212 pp. (Edition d; Volume 3)
  • Ernst Niekisch and A. Paul Weber (eds.): Resistance. Journal of National Revolutionary Politics . Resistance Verlag, Berlin (The 9th year 1934 was still published, then banned in December 1934)
  • Ernst Niekisch (ed.): Decision. The weekly newspaper for national revolutionary politics . Resistance-Verlag, Berlin (date of publication: No. 1: October 9, 1932 to No. 11: March 26, 1933; publication therefore discontinued)
  • Joseph E. Drexel: History and Stories - A Life in Franconia. Lecture: Bayerischer Rundfunk, Studio Nürnberg, March 27, 1969. Verlag Nürnberger Presse, Nürnberg 1969, private print; 38 p .; here p. 16 f.
  • Uwe Sauermann: Ernst Niekisch. Between all fronts . With a bio-bibliographical appendix by Armin Mohler . Herbig, Munich / Berlin 1980, ISBN 3-7766-1013-1 , 236 pp. (Herbig current; bibliography E. Niekisch pp. 219–236)
  • Uwe Sauermann: The magazine "Resistance" and its circle. The journalistic development of an organ of extreme nationalism and its sphere of influence in the political culture of Germany 1926-1934 . University of Augsburg, Philos. Fak., Diss. A, 1984, presented by Uwe Sauermann. 1984, V, 459 pp. - 2nd edition. Library Service Angerer, Munich 1985, ISBN 3-922128-15-7 , V, 458 pp.
  • Birgit Rätsch- Langejürgen: The principle of resistance. Life and work of Ernst Niekisch . At the same time: Dissertation University of Munich, 1994/95. Bouvier, Bonn 1997, ISBN 3-416-02608-X , 392 pp. (Series Extremism & Democracy; Volume 7)