Deskaheh Levi General

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Deskaheh Levi General (born March 5, 1873 , † June 27, 1925 ) was known under his chieftain Deskaheh. He was an inheritance chief of the Cayuga and spokesman for the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee - who are also called Iroquois.

Deskaheh Levi General tried in a diplomatic mission in 1923 from the League of Nations in Geneva to gain recognition of the national independence of the Six Nations and failed.

Today, the Six Nations territory is claimed by the State of Canada , while Six Nations people continue to consider themselves an independent nation. The main place of their territory is Ohsweken .

His visit to Switzerland, where he stayed for more than a year and gave well-attended lectures, attracted great media and political attention. There was even a short meeting with the Swiss Federal President Karl Scheurer . He was not received by the leaders of the League of Nations.



  1. See for example: -ti, "The Indian in Geneva": in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, NZZ No. 1367, October 7, 1923