German-Polish Society Federal Association

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The German-Polish Society Federal Association (in Polish Federalny Związek Towarzystw Niemiecko-Polskich ) is a registered association and amalgamation of various regional societies that have set themselves the goal of reconciliation and cooperation between Germany and Poland . The association emerged in 1996 from the Federal Association of German-Polish Societies , which in turn emerged in 1987 from regional societies. Among other things, the company campaigned for the integration of Poland into the European Union .

In November 2010, Dietmar Nietan, a member of the Bundestag, was elected chairman of the association's board of directors as the successor to Angelica Schwall-Düren , who had held the office since 2000. The chairman of the board of trustees is Rita Süssmuth . The association is based in Berlin .

The association publishes the bilingual magazine " Dialog " every quarter in cooperation with its Polish partners . The current editor-in-chief is Basil Kerski .

DIALOG price

Presentation of the DIALOG Prize to the Institute for Applied History, Frankfurt 2011. In the picture the winners Magdalena Abraham-Diefenbach and Stephan Felsberg.

Every year since 2005, the Federal Association has awarded the undoped DIALOG Prize, which consists of an art object and a certificate, to people and institutions who “work in an exemplary manner for the dialogue between peoples and cultures in Europe and the deepening of German-Polish Engage Relationships ".

Previous winners were:

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Website of the DPG Federal Association: Winner of the DIALOG Prize