German Association for Herbal Medicine

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The German Association for Herbal Medicine was an association based in the then still independent Altona in the context of the life reform movement. It was founded around 1910 and was dedicated to alternative healing methods and medicinal plants .

The members - among them the well-known at that time authors Hermann Alois Mayer and Paul Sellin - had set itself firm declares the goal of the herbal medicine to spread and the disease treatment using medicinal herbs as well as generally applicable hygiene regulations develop and implement. In the association's statutes, the following points were noted as worth striving for:

  • "Instruction about the essence and the basic principles of medicine, especially herbal medicine, and recognition of this folk medicine by official medicine
  • Education [of the association members] about body and mental care, education, etc. , as well as suggestion to lead a life according to the principles of a reasonable and natural hygiene
  • Penetration [of] cultural life with the spirit of modern hygiene to create a healthy folk organism. "

In the spring of 1910, the first edition of the association magazine Hygienischer Wegweiser was published with a circulation of 1,000,000 copies and under the editor-in-chief of Mayer . Journal for botany and lifestyle published by Neukultur-Verlag. This sheet served as a literary supplement to published books and lectures given. The growth, use and dosage of various medicinal herbs were explained, innovations and innovations relating to the association were presented in the form of short stories and topic-related articles were printed. In this first edition, the purpose of the Hygienic Guide was outlined as follows:

"Our magazine wants to be a guide through the confused living conditions of the present, a champion for all-round, inwardly true culture, for education for fitness and zest for life, a promoter of a harmonious, life-enhancing world and life view and all endeavors to maintain the health of mind and body."

Later the magazine appeared - which was verifiably published until the end of the 1920s and in which, for example, Magnus Schwantje , Marta Fraenkel , Fritz de Quervain , Hellmut Eckhardt , Luise Lampert , Paul Lauener and Alfred Grotjahn published - in the own publishing house Hygienischer Wegweiser.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Alois Mayer: Hygiene and herbal medicine . Neukultur-Verlag, Altona, 1910, page 235.
  2. "Mailbox - Leipzig". In: Kladderadatsch , 63rd year, № 12, March 20, 1910, supplement, page 3. Retrieved from (digitized, historical holdings of the Heidelberg University Library ) on October 10, 2016.