Hellmut Eckhardt

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Hellmut Eckhardt ( April 12, 1896 - November 14, 1980 ) was a German orthopedist and eugenicist .

Live and act

Eckhardt studied medicine and received his doctorate in 1921 at the University of Hamburg . As a student of Konrad Biesalski , he completed training as a specialist in orthopedics . He worked as a senior physician at Biesalski's Oskar-Helene-Heim in Berlin and in 1926 took over the management of the German Association for Cripple Welfare . In 1927 he set up a “Museum for Cripple Welfare” on the top floor of the Oskar-Helene-Heim, which visually conveyed (alleged) inheritance of physical disabilities to the public. After Biesalski's death, he took his position on the advisory committee of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialhygienischer Reichsfachverbände".

From 1933 Eckhardt was managing director of the "Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft zur Combat des Krüppeltums". His career was closely linked to the takeover and rule of the National Socialists. After the enactment of the “ Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Offspring ”, Eckhardt was prominently involved in the development of criteria for the compulsory sterilization of physically disabled people . He was the author of the chapter on physical malformations in Arthur Gütts Basic Handbook of Hereditary Diseases (1940). In his standard work, physical hereditary diseases (1940), edited with Berthold Ostertag , he named various physical disabilities as indications for forced sterilization, which he himself had described as clearly not hereditary in 1933.

After the war, Eckhardt practiced as an orthopedic surgeon in Wernigerode . In 1952 he was appointed head of the local polyclinic. In 1955 he founded a sanatorium for conservative orthopedics in the buildings of an old children's rest home, which later became the Oehrenfeld rehabilitation center . On his 70th birthday in 1966, the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery made him an honorary member.

Eckhardt was co-editor of the magazine for cripple welfare and the magazine for orthopedics and their border areas.

Fonts (selection)

  • Radial paralysis, the incapacity to work caused by it and its improvement through the various surgical methods, in particular the Sudeck transplant method. Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 1921. Excerpt: Radial paralysis in the supply system. In: German journal for surgery . Vol. 158, H. 1/2, September 1920, pp. 137-140, DOI: 10.1007 / BF02796981 .
  • Statistical research. In: Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. 52: 547-561 (1930).
  • Hereditary physical deformities and the law for the prevention of hereditary offspring. In: Clinical weekly . Vol. 12, H. 40, October 1933, pp. 1575-1577, DOI: 10.1007 / BF01765684 .
  • with Richard Bieling and Hans Schlossberger : The fight against epidemic poliomyelitis with convalescent serum. Behringwerke, IG Farbenindustrie AG, Leverkusen undated (approx. 1934).
  • The child's physical structure and its development. Aim and way of a biological physical education. Enke, Stuttgart 1935.
  • The crippled child. In: Martin Löpelmann (Ed.): Ways and goals of raising children in our time. Hesse & Becker, Leipzig undated (approx. 1936), pp. 250–255.
  • Physical deformities. In: Arthur Gütt (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Erbkrankheiten. Volume 6, Thieme, Leipzig 1940.
  • ed. with Berthold Ostertag : Hereditary physical diseases. Your pathology and differential diagnosis. A guide for students and doctors with a special focus on practical inheritance. Barth, Leipzig 1940.


  • Georg Hohmann : About Dr. Hellmut Eckhardt's 60th birthday on April 12, 1956. In: Journal for Orthopädie and their border areas. Vol. 87, H. 3, 1956, p. 350 f.
  • Georg Hohmann: Dr. Hellmut Eckhardt on his 70th birthday. In: Journal for orthopedics and their border areas. Vol. 101, H. 3, June 1966, pp. 304-306.
  • Wilhelm Hochheim: In memoriam OMR Dr. Hellmut Eckhardt. In: Contributions to orthopedics and traumatology. 28: 418 (1981)
  • Petra Fuchs: "Cripples" between emancipation and self-abandonment using the example of the origin and development of the self-help association for the physically disabled (1919–1945) and the biography of Hilde Wulff (1898–1972). 1999 (Dissertation, TU Berlin 1999; online ).
  • Klaus-Dieter Thomann, Michael Rauschmann: Orthopedists and patients under the National Socialist dictatorship. In: The orthopedist. Vol. 30, H. 10, October 2001, pp. 696-711, DOI: 10.1007 / s001320170030 .
  • Philipp Osten : The model institute. About the establishment of a “modern care for cripples” 1905–1933. Mabuse, Frankfurt am Main 2004, urn : nbn: de: kobv: 11-10050679 .

Individual evidence

  1. Rudolf Lotze: From "Cripple Care" to the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. 90 years of the German Association for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled V. German Association for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 1999, p. 10, 49.