German reading book for higher education institutions (Hanover)

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The German reader for higher educational institutions was a first time out given in the 19th century reading book for the higher educational institutions in the field of of Prussia dominated constituent states of the German Empire . The work came out as a first edition in 1880 as a joint production of the Hanover- based pedagogues Robert Koths , high school teacher at Lyceum II , Karl Waldemar Meyer , " conductor of the Leibniz-Realschule ", and Albert Schuster , director of the Realschule I order in Hanover . The first part of the multi-volume work, which was published by the Helwingschen Verlagbuchhandlung , formed the reading material for the students in the sixth through the lower secondary . After 37 years, the 10th edition of Part 2 for the 1st preliminary class was published during the First World War in 1917.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Wilhelm Fiehn and Heinrich Schaefer were also among the authors of the work . In a review of the first edition, the Vienna magazine for Austrian grammar schools qualified the reader as “a gratifying achievement”: the authors had already proven in their “accompanying letter” published by Helwing in 1879 that they were able to fulfill the tasks and solutions preferred at the time by such a “ German ”reader according to their principles. This was particularly evident in the various structures of the reading material, such as the sagas .

Web links

  • Robert Kohts, Karl Waldemar Meyer, Albert Schuster (eds.), Wilhelm Fiehn, Heinrich Schaefer, Albert Schuster (arrangement): German reading book for higher education institutions , fourth part (Unter-Tertia), ninth edition, Hanover: Helwingsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1908; Digitized via GEI-Digital of the Georg Eckert Institute

Individual evidence

  1. a b Journal for the Austrian high schools , Vienna: Hölder; Preview over google books
  2. Compare the information in the WorldCat bibliographic database
  3. Compare the information in the joint union catalog