Didactic reconstruction

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Didactic reconstruction is a modified way of didactic analysis in the sense of Wolfgang Klafki for lesson planning and lesson reflection in the newer, especially natural science subject didactics .

In addition, the didactic reconstruction model is a research framework for further planning, implementation and evaluation of teaching-learning research . In this, technical knowledge and everyday ideas are mutually related in order to derive the conditions for teaching that is conducive to learning . The idea of ​​this research framework comes from the didactics of biology at the University of Oldenburg in collaboration with the didactics of physics at the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN), Kiel.

Basics of didactic reconstruction

The model is based on the idea that subject-specific subjects do not have any lesson-specific communication components and therefore cannot be included in lessons without prior didactic processing. In order to make the objects conveyable, from the didactic reconstruction point of view, the everyday knowledge of the students must be linked. Technical and everyday knowledge should be made equally important as the starting point for the design of the lessons. In this equality of expert and everyday knowledge, didactic reconstruction ties in with the basic ideas of constructivism . The aim of the lesson should not be to replace a supposedly "wrong" knowledge of the students, but to enrich the existing knowledge that has already established itself in everyday life. Didactic reconstruction can also be applied to teacher training by mutually comparing subject didactic ideas with the subjective ideas of teachers and thereby drawing conclusions about the design of didactic research and teaching.


The picture shows the graphic representation of the model of didactic reconstruction according to Kattmann et al. represent

Didactic reconstruction in research always requires the steps described below. It works recursively. This means that the individual steps are mutually linked. Within the social science- oriented didactics, didactic reconstruction can also be expanded to include a normatively based clarification of objectives. This may be necessary due to the controversy of many subjects. Within the clarification of objectives, the procedure carried out within the framework of the didactic reconstruction should be justified with regard to the objectives of the lesson.

  • Technical clarification: The technical clarification serves to deal with the factual structure of an object. At the meta level of subject didactics, scientific theories and perspectives are critically evaluated with the help of qualitative content analysis . The scientific primary texts are analyzed in terms of their content and the context in which they were created.
  • Survey of learner perspectives: The survey of everyday ideas serves to grasp the learner structure of the subject. Subjective views and ideas are empirically collected using qualitative research methods . Here may cognitive , affective and psychomotor be the subject of empirical investigation aspects.
  • Didactic structuring: Within the didactic structuring, the subject and learner structure of an object are brought together. Correspondence and differences are identified and evaluated with the aim of capturing central ideas for the design of teaching-learning situations that are conducive to learning.

The three points relate to each other and the entire process is often illustrated by the picture opposite. Not all steps can be taken in everyday class preparation.

Research programs (Oldenburg)

At the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg , various doctoral programs for the scientific implementation of didactic reconstruction have been carried out since 2001. The projects were carried out under the acronyms Prodid I and Prodid II (doctoral program Didactic Reconstruction) as well as ProfaS (processes of subject-didactic structuring) and LÜP (learning processes in transition). The various subject didactics, such as didactics of physics, history, German language and literature, English studies, biology, chemistry, didactics of politics, subject teaching or mathematics are involved. These programs have already produced a number of research work on topic-specific didactic reconstruction in the respective subject didactics. In this research work, because of the specific question, the empirical survey of content-specific technical ideas of schoolchildren, innovative survey methods were developed that are not yet to be found in classic research manuals.


  • Ulrich Kattmann / Duit, Reinders / Gropengießer, Harald / Komorek, Michael [1997]: The Model of Didactic Reconstruction - A Framework for Scientific Didactic Research and Development
  • Kattmann, Ulrich [2007]: Didactic reconstruction - a practical theory. In: Krüger, Dirk / Vogt, Helmut (eds.). Theories in Biological Didactic Research. A handbook for student teachers and PhD students. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 93-104.
  • Kattmann, Ulrich: Understanding students better. Everyday ideas in biology class. Aulis-Verlag, Hallbergmoos 2016.
  • Kattmann, Ulrich (ed.): Teaching biology with everyday ideas. Didactic reconstruction in teaching units. Kallmeyer, Seelze 2017.
  • Ira Diethelm u. a .: The didactic reconstruction for computer science lessons .
  • Sibylle Reinfried u. a .: The model of didactic reconstruction (history and geography didactics )
  • Gropengießer, Harald: Didactic reconstruction of seeing. Scientific theories and the student's perspective from the perspective of teaching. Didactic Center, Oldenburg 1997.
  • Andreas Klee : Disenchantment of the political judgment. A didactic reconstruction of the political awareness of political teachers. VS, Wiesbaden 2008.
  • Dirk Lange [2007]: Political didactic reconstruction. In: Lange, Dirk / Reinhard, Volker (eds.). Basic knowledge of political education. Handbook for social science teaching. Vol. 4. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, 58-65. [1]
  • Astrid Kaiser [2015]: Innovative survey methods. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag
  • Series of publications on didactic reconstruction of the University of Oldenburg

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ulrich Kattmann , Reinders Duit, Harald Gropengießer, Michael Komorek: The model of didactic reconstruction - A framework for scientific research and development . In: Journal for Didactics of Natural Sciences . tape 3 , no. 3 , 1997, p. 3-18 .
  2. Uni Kiel issue 3, text
  3. Ira Diethelm u. a .: Didactic reconstruction in computer science . ( semanticscholar.org [PDF]).
  4. Sibylle Reinfried u. a .: Didactic reconstruction . ( uni-bayreuth.de [PDF]).
  5. http://www.diz.uni-oldenburg.de/20512.html