The shrill men

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The shrill men
Shrill Men Logo.jpg
Seat: Karlsruhe / Germany
Founding: 1988
Genus: Gay choir
Head : Stefan F. Fischer
Voices : 12
Website :

The Schrillmänner - Schwuler Chor Karlsruhe eV is a German male choir of homosexuals . It was founded in 1988 with the aim of gay emancipation .


Initially, gay topics - and thus politics - were in the foreground. Over the years the emphasis changed in favor of the musical claim. Today the repertoire of gay enough protest song about songs of the Renaissance to jazz - improvisation . While Die Schrillmänner sang in front of an exclusively gay audience in the first years of their existence, today's audience consists mainly of heterosexually oriented citizens. Nevertheless, the original intention - the fight against prejudice and discrimination - is still an issue. Edzard Burchards was musical director from 1992 to 2007, his successor is Stefan F. Fischer.

The application for membership in the Badischer Sängerbund ended in a legal dispute before the Karlsruhe Regional Court in 2000 , which attracted nationwide attention. There it was decided that the Badischer Sängerbund would have to record the pink throats from Heidelberg, the queer flutes from Freiburg and the shrill men. The BSB initially appealed, but then withdrew it.

Concerts (selection)

The choir gave concerts in numerous cities and towns, including were

  • Concert in the house at Westbahnhof in Landau
  • Concert in Bühl / Baden
  • Concert in the town hall in Ulm
  • Concert in the front building in Freiburg
  • Festival "KA-XL special" of the SWR
  • Osterfeld cultural center, Pforzheim


  • queerreality
  • Forbidden for boys
  • Pacific Tour


  1. ^ LG Karlsruhe, judgment of August 11, 2000 - 2 O 243/00 -, NJW-RR 2002, 111-113
  3. Archive link ( Memento of the original from September 28, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links